长江水生生物资源与环境本底状况调查 (2017—2021)

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农业农村部财政专项“长江渔业资源与环境调查 (2017—2021)”

Status of aquatic organisms resources and their environments in the Yangtze River system (2017—2021)
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    长江是中华民族的母亲河,为了落实长江大保护,农业农村部统筹部署设立长江渔业资源与环境调查 (2017—2021)。由中国水产科学研究院总牵头,中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所技术总协调,联合流域内外24家科研院所和高校,对长江流域重点水域的鱼类种类组成及分布、鱼类资源量、濒危鱼类、长江江豚、渔业生态环境、消落区、捕捞渔业和休闲渔业等7个专题开展了系统调查。调查结果显示,①长江历史 (2017年前)分布鱼类记录有18目37科163属443种,本次调查中有135种鱼类未采集到,新采集到15种外来鱼类;②当前鱼类资源数量约为8.86亿尾,重量约为12.48万t,仅相当于20世纪50年代的27.3%、80年代的58.7%,流域性优势种为鲤、鲫、鲢、黄颡鱼、短颌鲚、鲇、蛇、草鱼、光泽黄颡鱼、䱗、鳜、铜鱼、翘嘴鲌、鳊、鳙,重量占比达50%,数量占比达45%;③长江流域的国家一、二级重点保护鱼类29种 (属),本次调查共记录到15种,白鲟已被IUCN认定灭绝,鯮和鲥已多年未见野生个体,长江鲟被IUCN认定野外灭绝,中华鲟、胭脂鱼和松江鲈多年未见自然繁殖;④2017—2021年,长江中下游干流、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖的长江江豚个体数量整体稳中有升,分布范围有所扩大;⑤长江流域水质总体较好,整体符合渔业水质标准;⑥长江流域重点水域2019—2020年最大水面19663 km2,最小水面14281 km2,消落区总面积6337 km2,其中反季节性消落区633 km2;⑦禁捕前,长江捕捞渔业从业者以初中学历以下的中老年为主。调查结果表明,长江全面禁捕退捕是长江水生生态系统保护的生态工程,更是渔民产业转型生存条件改善的民生工程,禁捕后鱼类资源将有显著恢复,长江江豚种群规模也有望稳中有升,但濒危鱼类的处境依然堪忧,衰退的消落区将成为制约未来长江水生生态系统恢复的限制性因素。作为长江流域重要水域全面禁捕前展开的系统调查,本调查结果可以为长江禁捕效果评估提供基准。


    The Yangtze River is the mother river of China. To promote the aquatic ecosystem protection of the great river, the Project of Yangtze Fisheries Resources and Environment Investigation (2017-2021) supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, carried out by 24 universities and institutes mainly located in the Yangtze River basin surveys the statued of (1) fish species composition and spatial distribution, (2) current fish abundance, (3) endangered fishes, (4) Yangtze finless porpoise, (5) aquatic eco-environments, (6) water-level fluctuation areas, (7) capture fisheries and recreational fisheries of the Yangtze River mainstream and 10 of its main tributaries, including Yalong River, Heng River, Min River (including Dadu River), Chishui River, Tuo River, Jialing River, Wu River, Han River, Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake. The results showed that there were 443 fish species (belonging to 163 genera, 37 families, and 18 orders) before 2017, but only 323 fish species (including 15 newly recorded exotic species) were recorded in the project of 2017-2021. Among them, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Coilia brachygnathus, Silurus asotus, Saurogobio dabryi, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Pelteobagrus nitidus, Hemiculter leucisculus, Siniperca chuatsi, Coreius heterodon, Culter alburnus, Parabramis pekinensis, and Aristichthys nobilis were the dominant species in the whole Yangtze River system. It was estimated that there were 886 million individuals weighing 124.8 million kg, merely equivalent to 27.3% of the resources in 1950s, 30.9% of the resources in 1960s, or 58.7% of the resources in 1980s. In the new list of protected fishes that recorded in the Yangtze River system, only 15 of 29 were collected in this project of 2017-2021. Psephurus gladius has been affirmed to be Extinct by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The wild individuals of Tenualosa reevesii and Luciobrama macrocephalus have disappeared for many years and maybe have been extinct already. Acipenser dabryanus has been affirmed to be Extinct in the Wild by IUCN. The natural propagations of Acipenser sinensis, Myxocyprinus asiaticus and Trachidermus fasciatus have been interrupted for many years. The populations of Yangtze finless porpoise in the Yangtze River mainstream, Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake had steadily rising sizes and expanding distributions in 2017-2021. Parts of them migrated from one region to another with the seasons, which would result in the fluctuation of Yangtze finless porpoise population within some regions. The conventional indicators of water quality in the Yangtze River system were good and conformed to the water quality criteria of fishery in 2017-2021. In the last 40 years, the maximum water surface area in the Yangtze River basin extended to approximately 63 360 km2, the minimum water surface area covered approximately 26 396 km2, and the seasonal water-level fluctuation areas occupied approximately 36 964 km2. Compared with 1984-2000 period, the 2001-2020 period witnessed an overall decreasing trend in the frequency of water surface occurrence within about 25 869 km2 of aquatic areas. From 1984-2000 period to 2001-2020 period, permanent water surface has decreased by nearly 8 750 km2. From 2019 to 2020, the maximum and minimum water surface areas in the key waters of the Yangtze River basin were 19 663 km2 and 14 281 km2 respectively, with a combined total of 6 337 km2 of water-level fluctuation areas, of which 633 km2 were reversed-rhythm water-level fluctuation areas. In 2017, the fishermen were mainly 40-60 years old and their educational levels were mainly lower than junior high school. In 2017, most anglers were older than 40 and used hand rod and/or sea rod. Their average catch of each time was mainly less than 1 kg. Results suggested that the fishing ban in key waters of the Yangtze River basin is not only an ecological project of aquatic ecosystem conservation, but also a livelihood project for the fisherman to embrace industrial transformation and improve their living conditions. After the implementation of the fishing ban, the fisheries resources would gradually recover, and the Yangtze finless porpoise population size would also see a steady increase. However, the endangered species would remain threatened for a long time. The degraded water bodies and water-level fluctuation areas would be the key restrictive factors for future aquatic ecosystem recovery in the Yangtze River basin. Since this survey was carried out before the fishing ban, the current results could provide a baseline for future evaluation of the effect of the Yangtze River fishing ban.

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    发 布

杨海乐,沈丽,何勇凤,田辉伍,高雷,吴金明,梅志刚,魏念,王琳,朱挺兵,胡飞飞,龚进玲,杜红春,段辛斌,邓华堂,王导群,朱峰跃,李云峰,吴凡,茹辉军,张燕,李君轶,杨俊琳,周运涛,方冬冬,王银平,蔺丹清,杨彦平,李佩杰,刘思磊,杨健,庄平,王思凯,张涛,杨刚,杨文波,袁立来,曹坤,徐硕,刘慧媛,梁志强,王崇瑞,李鸿,袁希平,杨鑫,傅义龙,张燕萍,章海鑫,陶志英,王生,高小平,金斌松,李柯懋,王国杰,简生龙,李英钦,薛晨江,雷春云,薛绍伟,孙昳,朱滨,邵科,胡兴坤,熊美华,杜军,何斌,颜涛,黄颖颖,邹远超,谢碧文,王永明,李斌,刘飞,张瑶瑶,范飞,王志坚,黄静,辜浩然,葛海龙,但言,李燕,王恕桥,张闯,周路,王雪,曾圣,向燕,何绪刚,覃剑晖,夏成星,侯杰,石义付,高立方,朱志强,沈红保,杜耘,段学军,熊嘉武,杨德国,刘绍平,倪朝辉,张辉,刘凯,赵峰,李应仁,王剑伟,危起伟.长江水生生物资源与环境本底状况调查 (2017—2021)[J].水产学报,2023,47(2):029301

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