



S 932.4


国家自然科学基金 (31702312,41776185);国家重点研发计划 (2018YFC1406801);国家留学基金委员会促进与加澳新及拉美地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目 (2021-109)

Species diversity of fish in Deception Island waters based on environmental DNA technology

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    欺骗岛是位于南极南设得兰群岛西南方向的火山岛,该岛附近海域受岛上活火山的影响显著,生物资源丰富。为探究该海域内鱼类物种组成,本实验通过对欺骗岛海域环境DNA (eDNA)样本采集、高通量测序开展鱼类物种多样性研究。结果显示,从欺骗岛海域5个采样站点的环境样本中共检测出南极鱼类1目6科23属31种,调查得到的大部分鱼类物种均在以往南极传统渔业资源调查中出现。eDNA序列相对丰度最高的鱼类物种为裘氏鳄头冰鱼和花纹南极鱼,分别占鱼类总丰度的53.52%和28.27%。近岸站点和远岸站点间的α和β多样性的各项指数差异较大,但远岸站点间鱼类物种组成相差不大。研究表明,环境DNA技术作为传统渔业调查方法的补充,对环境干扰小,可以对欺骗岛海域鱼类物种多样性进行快速检测。本研究结果可为欺骗岛海域的鱼类多样性监测和渔业资源管理与保护提供数据支持。


    Deception Island is a volcanic island located southwest of the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica with more than 20 eruptions over the last two centuries. Under the significantly influence of the island's active volcanoes, the adjacent water temperature is high, and the concentrations of iron, manganese, silicon, and other elements are significantly greater, with rich biological resources. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis constitutes a promising tool to study the distribution and diversity of fishes. This technique is based on organisms leaving DNA in the environment, which can be extracted and sequenced to identify the species from which it originates. This study explored the potential use of eDNA metabarcoding from seawater samples to detect fish species diversity in Deception Island. The fish species composition and diversity characteristics in the waters of Deception Island were detected by high-throughput sequencing of eDNA in this study. Overall, a total of 31 species (1 order 6 families 23 genera) of Antarctic fishes were detected in the environmental samples from five sampling stations around Deception Island, and most of them were identified in previous surveys of Antarctic fishes using traditional methods. Some rare fish which were considered difficult to be caught by traditional fishing methods were detected by eDNA, such as Chionobathyscus dewitti, Akarotaxis nudiceps. OTU abundance was ranked from the largest to the smallest in taxa at the family level, with Channichthyidae and Nototheniidae accounting for the highest proportions. The dominant fish species were Champsocephalus gunnari, Notothenia rossii, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus, Bovichtus sp1., Bovichtus sp2., Pagothenia borchgrevinki, C. dewitti, Notothenia coriiceps, Eleginops maclovinus. Among the identified fish species from eDNA analysis, C. gunnari and N. rossii had the highest abundance (53.52% and 28.27%). The sampling stations were divided into nearshore and distant stations according to the distance from Deception Island or South Shetland to evaluate the diversity of fish communities in different habitats. The alpha diversity index of fish communities was calculated using Chao1, ACE index to characterize richness, Shannon and Simpson diversity index, and Pielou’s evenness. Moreover, the overall composition pattern of the data was analyzed by PCoA. The α and β diversity significantly differed between nearshore and distant sites, but the fish species composition was similar between distant sites. This research demonstrated the utility of eDNA for species diversity in fish communities, knowledge of which was essential for standardized monitoring of Southern Ocean's biodiversity. The eDNA technology was less intrusive to the environment and could provide rapid detection of fish species in the water of Deception Island, complementing to traditional survey methods. In addition, our findings can provide data support for fish diversity monitoring and fisheries resource management and conservation in Deception Island.



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  • 收稿日期:2022-07-13
  • 最后修改日期:2023-03-22
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-14
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-01