



S 965.119


国家现代农业产业技术体系专项 (CARS-45-28)

Effects of pond culture and lake culture on fish quality of Megalobrama amblycephala "Huahai No.1"

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    为探究不同养殖模式下新品种“华海1号”团头鲂的品质差异,实验以不同养殖模式 (池塘组及大湖组)的“华海1号”团头鲂为对象,采用色差仪、质构仪对其表观及质地进行测定,采用超高效液相色谱仪或气相色谱-质谱联用仪等对营养特性和风味物质进行测定。结果显示,大湖养殖团头鲂肉质的亮度、白度、弹性、咀嚼性、回复性均显著高于池塘组,且大湖组肌肉水分含量更高,粗脂肪含量更低。池塘组和大湖组鱼肉EAA/TAA及EAA/NEAA比值分别为0.41、0.82以及0.38、0.72,均符合FAO/WHO推荐的理想必需氨基酸构成。池塘组必需氨基酸指数虽高于大湖组,但其必需氨基酸中仅赖氨酸含量显著高于大湖组,而大湖组鱼肉中非必需氨基酸及半必需氨基酸含量分别为池塘组的1.05倍及1.01倍,且大湖组总脂肪酸含量下降21.09%,多不饱和脂肪酸占比提升4.00%,EPA和DHA含量分别为池塘组的14.20倍和7.51倍,故大湖组鱼肉营养更为均衡。池塘组鱼肉谷氨酸及丙氨酸TAV值均大于1,大湖组赖氨酸TAV值大于1,但大湖组鱼肉中鲜味及甜味氨基酸总占比更高,苦味氨基酸总占比更低,且大湖组呈鲜味的AMP及IMP含量为池塘组的1.24倍及1.54倍,而呈苦味的Hx及HxR仅为池塘组的62.74%及44.53%,结合感官评价可知,呈味物质的相互作用使熟制后大湖组鱼肉呈现鲜甜味。大湖组鱼肉中对气味呈负面影响的(Z)-4-庚烯醛、1-己醇等挥发性化合物含量及ROAV值更低,气味品质更佳。大湖组感官评价中质地、色泽、滋味、气味各项得分均显著高于池塘组。研究表明,大湖养殖团头鲂的质地品质及营养品质均优于池塘养殖模式,且熟制后鱼肉风味更适口,可作为一种更优的养殖模式进行推广,本研究为选取合适的养殖模式以提升“华海1号”团头鲂肌肉品质提供了理论依据。


    In order to explore the quality differences of the new variety "Huahai No.1" Megalobrama amblycephala cultured in different modes, this study took "Huahai No.1" M. amblycephala with different culture modes (pond culture and lake culture) as the research object; their appearance and texture were determined by colorimeter and texture analyzer, and their nutritional characteristics and flavor compounds were determined by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that the brightness, whitenes as well as the springiness, chewiness and resilience of flesh in M. amblycephala cultured in lake mode were significantly higher than those of those cultured in pond mode, and the muscle moisture content of the lake group was higher and the crude fat content was lower. The EAA/TAA and EAA/NEAA ratios of fish in pond group and lake group were 0.41, 0.82 and 0.38, 0.72, respectively, which were in line with the ideal essential amino acid composition recommended by FAO/WHO. Although the index of essential amino acids in the pond group were higher than that in the lake group, only lysine content in the essential amino acids as significantly higher than that in the lake group, while the contents of non-essential amino acids and semi-essential amino acids of fish in the lake group were 1.05 times and 1.01 times that in the pond group, respectively. The total fatty acid content in the lake group decreased by 21.09%, and the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids increased by 4.00%, among which EPA and DHA content were 14.20 times and 7.51 times those in the pond group, and the nutrition of the fish in the lake group was more balanced. The TAV values of glutamic acid and alanine in pond group were greater than 1, while that of lysine in lake group was greater than 1, but the total proportion of fresh and sweet amino acids in fish in lake group was higher, and the total proportion of bitter amino acids was lower, and the contents of umami-presenting AMP and IMP in lake group were 1.24 times and 1.54 times those in pond group, while Hx and HxR in bitter taste were only 62.74% and 44.53% of those in pond group. Combined with sensory evaluation, the interaction of flavor substances made the lake group fish fresh and sweet, and the content and ROAV value of volatile compounds such as (Z)-cis-4-hepten-1-al and 1- hexanol which negatively affect the odor in fish meat of lake group were lower, and the odor quality was better. In sensory evaluation, the scores of texture, color, taste and smell were significantly higher in lake group, which was consistent with the above results. The above results indicate that the material quality, nutritional quality and flavor quality of M. amblycephala in the lake culture mode are better than those in the pond culture mode, which can be promoted as a better culture mode.This study provides a theoretical basis for selecting the appropriate culture mode to improve the muscle quality of "Huahai No.1" M. amblycephala.



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  • 收稿日期:2022-02-28
  • 最后修改日期:2022-03-24
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-07-02
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