





Effects of electrolyzed water pretreatment on quality changes of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) during chilled storage

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    为探究电解水预处理对冷藏大黄鱼品质变化的影响,实验利用有效氯浓度分别为50、100和200 mg/L的电解水和1% NaCl溶液浸泡处理新鲜大黄鱼,考察其在4 ℃冷藏过程中的菌落总数、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)值、ATP关联化合物含量、pH值、硬度、色泽、滋味和气味的变化。结果显示,伴随冷藏时间的延长,对照组鱼肉的菌落总数、TVB-N值、HxR含量、Hx含量、K值和pH值逐渐增加,而电解水处理抑制了这些品质指标的增加,抑制效果与有效氯浓度成正比。在同一冷藏时间下,鱼肉的黄度b*值随有效氯浓度的增加而增加。贮藏过程中,对照组鱼肉的苦味、苦味回味和丰富性逐渐增加,鲜味、咸味和甜味逐渐降低,而电解水处理组鱼肉的苦味回味和咸味均高于对照组。有效氯浓度为200 mg/L的电解水预处理能减少鱼肉在冷藏4~10 d期间的挥发性气味,但在冷藏16 d后反而高于对照组。研究表明,电解水处理能有效延缓冷藏大黄鱼的品质变化,但当电解水的有效氯浓度较高时会导致鱼肉色泽变黄和腐败后的挥发性气味增加。研究结果为电解水在大黄鱼保鲜中的应用及其有效氯浓度的选择提供了理论参考。


    The annual output of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) in Fujian Province always exceeds 80% of the annual output in China. At present, L. crocea is mainly sold all over the country in the form of chilled storage. Therefore, it is important to prolong the shelf life of chilled L. crocea by taking the suitable pretreatment. Electrolyzed water has a high-efficiency and broad-spectrum bactericidal action, and its application in fish refrigeration preservation has been widely concerned. However, the effect of electrolyzed water pretreatment on the freshness, taste and odor of chilled L. crocea has not been reported. In order to investigate the effect of electrolyzed water pretreatment on quality changes of L. crocea during chilled storage, the total viable counts, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), ATP-related compounds contents, pH, hardness, color, taste and volatile odor of L. crocea pretreated by soaking in electrolyzed water with different available chlorine concentrations (50, 100, and 200 mg/L) and 1% NaCl solution were measured during storage at 4 ℃. The results show that, the initial total viable counts of L. crocea decreased from 2.30 to 1.83 lg(CFU/g), when the available chlorine concentration of electrolyzed water was 200 mg/L. After 16 day storage at 4 ℃, the TVB-N values of L. crocea muscle pretreated by electrolyzed water with the available chlorine concentration of 100 and 200 mg/L were 24.38 and 23.63 mg/100 g respectively, which were significantly lower than the control group (28.92 mg/100 g). The increases of HxR, Hx and K values in the fish muscle were retarded by electrolyzed water pretreatment, and the inhibitory effect was increased with the increase of available chorine concentration. No significant differences were observed in the pH and hardness of fish muscle with and without electrolyzed water pretreatment. The yellowness b* value of fish muscle was increased with the increase of available chorine concentration under the same condition for 16 day storage. The bitterness, aftertaste-B and richness of fish muscle increased gradually with increasing storage time, while the umami, saltiness and sweetness decreased. The taste values of aftertaste-B and saltiness in fish muscle pretreated with electrolyzed water were higher than those in the control group. The volatile odors in fish muscle pretreated by electrolyzed water with the available chlorine concentration of 200 mg/L were decreased during 4-10 day storage, but were higher than those in the control group after 16 day storage at 4 ℃. In conclusion, electrolyzed water pretreatment can be effective in inhibiting the microbial growth and freshness decline of L. crocea during chilled storage. The inhibition effect of electrolyzed water was related to its available chlorine concentration. However, after being pretreated by the electrolyzed water with high available chlorine concentration, L. crocea is easy to turn yellow and produce volatile odors during chilled storage. The results of present study provide a theoretical reference for the selection of electrolyzed water with suitable available chlorine concentration in the preservation of chilled L. crocea.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-12-05
  • 最后修改日期:2022-03-31
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-07-02
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