



S 983


国家重点研发计划 ( 2018YFD0901001)

Upper limit of quality and freshness control of the culture Paralichthys olivaceus

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    为构建工厂化养殖鱼类鲜活品质的渔后调控技术体系,以极限品质为着眼点,解读海水养殖白肉鱼刺身级品质形成及变化机制,以褐牙鲆为研究对象,从致死方式着手,探究肌肉品质的极限,即通过极端处置以探索其鲜活品质的极限。以破髓处置(SCD)得到上限品质,窒息致死(SA)得到下限品质,对照商业操作即断髓处置(SCC),3个致死处理组均于2 ℃下冷藏120 h。期间分别对僵直、断裂强度、肌肉收缩率、肌肉pH值、ATP及关联物、白度、显微结构和体表颜色进行分析。致死应激对品质及稳定性的影响至关重要,最强致死应激SA组死后6~12 h快速进入僵直,随即解僵。而最低致死应激SCD组死后48~72 h方达到最大僵直,且僵直指数缓慢上升,呈现出最好的冷藏稳定性。常规商业处置SCC组则介于二者之间,但明显优于下限SA组,逊于上限SCD组。同样的,最低致死应激SCD组保留最高的ATP,死后12 h各处理组肌肉ATP含量由初始的3.13 μmol/g分别下降至SCD组2.13 μmol/g、SCC组1.99 μmol/g及SA组0 μmol/g 。肌肉降至极限pH的时间分别为SCD组在48 h,SCC组在48 h,SA组则在死后12 h时达到极限。观察及色度分析结果表明,最强致死应激SA组肌肉外观最差,表现在最低的L*值,更高的a*值和较低的b*值。肌肉显微结构观察发现,SA组细胞间隙最大且最不稳定。从鱼体表面也可以明显观察到致死应激强度造成的影响,应激越大充血越突出。综上,脊髓破坏这种最低应激强度破坏了运动神经系统,尽量减少由脊髓反射引起的肌肉运动,最大限度地减少了活体褐牙鲆的死前应激,是满足极限品质的关键因素。研究为通过控制致死应激获得最佳品质提供参考。


    Post-harvest fish suffer slow and painful deaths by asphyxiation, crowding, or even crushing. Stress and stress-related quality changes of farmed fish is necessary to explore. Instead of live fish in poor condition at the market, providing freshness-locked products with sushi-grade near to upper-limited quality of farmed fish is more valuable. In order to establish a technical system for post-fishing regulation of freshness of factory farmed fish, the formation and change mechanism of sashimi grade quality of mariculture white meat fish were analyzed from the point of limit quality. The brown flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) was taken as the research object. The limit of muscle quality was explored via different slaughter methods. That is, extreme treatment was used to explore the upper limit of fresh quality. The upper limit of quality was obtained by spinal cord destruction treatment (SCD), and the lower limit of quality was obtained by suffocation in air treatment (SA). The two limits of quality were compared with the spinal cord cut treatment (SCC), which is in wide commercial use. The three slaughter treatment groups were refrigerated at 2 ℃ for 120 h. During this period, rigidity, breaking strength, muscle shrinkage, muscle pH, ATP and its related compounds, whiteness, microstructure and surface color were analyzed. The results showed that the effects of slaughter stress on quality and stability were very important. The SA group with the strongest slaughter stress rapidly got into postmortem rigidity after 6-12 h and then the stiffness was relieved. The SCD group with the lowest slaughter stress reached the maximum postmortem rigor from 48 h to 72 h, and the rigor index increased slowly, showing the best stability of cold storage. The SCC group of conventional commercial disposal was between the two groups, and the quality was significantly better than the lower limit quality of SA group and inferior to the upper limit quality of SCD group. Similarly, the lowest slaughter stress group retained the highest ATP, and the ATP content in muscles decreased from 3.13 μmol/g to 2.13 μmol/g in SCD group, compared with the 1.99 μmol/g in SCC group and 0 μmol/g in SA group at postmortal 12 h after slaughter, respectively. The time to drop to the limit pH in muscles was 48 h in the SCD group, 48 h in the SCC group, and 12 h after death in the SA group. The results of observation and colorimetric analysis showed that the strongest slaughter stress SA group had the worst muscle appearance, showing the lowest L* value, higher a* value and lower b* value. The microscopic structure of the muscle showed that the intercellular space was the largest and most unstable in the SA group. The effects of slaughter stress intensity can also be obviously observed on the surface of fish body. The greater of stress, the more serious of congestion in fins. In conclusion, spinal cord destruction disrupts the motor nervous system with minimum stress intensity, minimizes muscle movements caused by spinal reflexes, and minimizes slaughter stress in living P. olivaceus , which is the key factor to meet the limit quality. This study provides a reference for controlling slaughter stress to obtain the best quality.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-04-24
  • 最后修改日期:2021-06-11
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-07-02
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