
TS 254.4


国家重点研发计划 (2018YFD0901001);国家自然科学基金 (31671790)

Relationship between muscle quality changes and energy metabolism in fish and shellfish
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    水产养殖是满足人们对蛋白质需求的重要途径,减少鱼贝类捕后因鲜度下降导致的资源浪费是水产品加工领域的重要研究课题之一。横纹肌作为鱼贝类肌肉中主要的食用部位,其品质变化与肌肉能量代谢状况密不可分。本文详细综述了ATP在线粒体、肌质网和肌原纤维蛋白间的产生、转运和消耗的过程。回顾了基于横纹肌能量代谢过程所提出的一系列鱼贝类肌肉鲜度评价指标,包括ATP及其关联化合物相关的K值、Kmax值、AEC值,以及肌原纤维蛋白和肌质网的ATPase活性、线粒体结构和呼吸活性等。进一步根据消费现状综述了各鲜度指标在鱼类鲜品和贝类活品中的适用性,提出加强鱼贝类捕后初期 (品质易逝期)控制的必要性和紧迫性。在众多指标中,线粒体活性可作为易逝期品质控制的有效指标,可有效开展易逝期的品质评价,减少因捕后处置不当造成的品质损失和资源浪费。


    Aquaculture is an important way to meet people's demand for protein in the future. Reducing the decline in the quality of post-harvested fish and shellfish is an important topic in the field of aquatic product processing. Striated muscle is the main edible part in the muscle of fish and shellfish, and its energy metabolism state affects muscle quality. This article reviews the energy metabolism of striated muscles, including the production, transport and consumption of ATP. A series of muscle freshness evaluation indexes proposed based on the energy metabolism process of striated muscle were reviewed,including K value, Kmax value and AEC value of ATP and its related compounds, as well as the ATPase activity, mitochondrial structure and respiratory activity of myogenic fibronectin and sarcoplasmic reticulum. The applicability of each freshness index in iced fish and live shellfish was further summarized according to the consumption status, and the necessity and urgency of strengthening the control of fish and shellfish in the early of post-harvest stage (quality determination period) were put forward. Among many indicators, mitochondrial activity can be used as an effective indicator for quality control in the quality determination period, facilitate effective carry out quality evaluation in the perishable period, and reduce quality loss and resource consumption caused by improper post-harvested disposal. And provide a theoretical support for promoting that sustainable development of the aquatic product industry.

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