





国家重点研发计划 (2018YFD0901605)

Effects of salinity on fertilization, embryonic development, larval growth, ingestion and metamorphosis of Heliocidaris crassispina

Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFD0901605)

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    为研究盐度对紫海胆受精、孵化、胚胎发育、浮游幼体生长发育、摄食和变态的影响,本研究采用实验室培养幼体的方法,设置了不同盐度(15、20、25、30、35和40)的水体,对紫海胆的胚胎和浮游幼体进行实验。结果显示,紫海胆在盐度20~35范围内的受精率超过95%,但在盐度15和40下无法受精;盐度30下胚胎发育最快,孵化率显著高于其他盐度,为89.8%;浮游幼体期适宜盐度为25~35,最适盐度为30,盐度20和40下幼体仅能发育至八腕幼体Ⅰ期,而盐度15下幼体发育受抑制,一直停留在四腕幼体阶段,7 d后死亡;盐度为15~40时的八腕Ⅳ期幼体在72 h的变态率超过21.4%,其中盐度30下幼体变态率最高,为54.7%,且变态速率最快,能在24 h时出现稚胆。浮游幼体在盐度35时前侧腕和口后腕生长最快,胃面积在盐度30时最大,摄食率在盐度30时最大。研究表明,盐度对紫海胆的早期发育有较显著的影响。本研究能够为紫海胆人工育苗培育提供基础资料。


    Heliocidaris crassispina is one of the most important economic sea urchin species in the southern China. Its breeding season is from April to June, with high temperature and rainy, and the salinity varies greatly in the sea area. In order to determine the appropriate salinity for the early development of H. crassispina, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of different salinity (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40) on the fertilization, incubation, embryonic development, larval growth, ingestion and metamorphosis of H. crassispina under laboratory conditions. The main results are as follows. The fertilization rate was above 95% under the salinity range of 20-35, but there was no fertilization with a salinity of 15 or 40. The hatching rate under salinity 30 was 89.77%, which was significantly higher than other groups, the lowest hatching rate was 46.65% under salinity 20 treatment. The embryonic developed fastest with salinity 30 exposing, 92.61% of fertilized eggs developed to the 4-cell stage in 1 h after fertilization, and all developed into the multicellular stage in 2.5 h, and 68.86% of the 2-arm larvae appeared in 27 h, which were significantly higher than other groups. Moreover, with salinity 30 treatment, the larvae develop fastest and best, and were significantly higher than other five groups, 91.67% of 4-arm larvae developed to the 8-arm larvae stage I on the 5th day, and all developed into the 8-arm larvae on the 7th day, of which 16.67% have developed to stage Ⅲ, and 83.33% of the larvae have developed to stage Ⅳ on the 13th day. The larvae with salinity 25 and 35 followed, 83.33% and 75% of stage Ⅰ larvae appeared on the 5th day, and some larvae could develop to stage Ⅳ on the 13th day, but there was a difference in individual development. Under salinity 20 or 40 condition, the larvae only developed to 8-arm larva stage Ⅰ on 13 days; further more under salinity 15 exposing, the larval development was inhibited and stayed at 4-arm larvae stage and died after 7 days. The metamorphosis rate of 8-arm stage Ⅳ larvae with salinity range of 15-40 in benthic diatoms is higher than 21.43% after 72 hours, and the salinity 30 is the highest with 54.71%. The larval post-oral and antero-lateral arms grew fastest under salinity 35 treatment on the 5th days (830.50 and 694.50 μm, respectively), which were significantly higher than other groups. But the stomach area was largest under salinity 30 with 23048.25 μm2 , which was significantly higher than other five groups. And the feeding rate of 4-arm larvae and 8-arm larvae were highest under salinity 30 exposing (2780 and 3286 cell/ind·h, respectively), which were significantly higher than other groups. The study suggested that salinity has a significant impact on the growth and development of H. crassispina in early developmental stage. The optimum salinity was 30, which H. crassispina has fastest growth and best development. The suitable salinity range was 25 to 35, which H. crassispina can maintain normal growth and development. The results may provide basic data for the seed breeding technology of H. crassispina.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-03-24
  • 最后修改日期:2021-05-11
  • 录用日期:2021-06-06
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-05-15
  • 出版日期: 2023-05-01