

Effect of changing visible light regimes on aggregation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
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    南极磷虾为南极海洋生态系统中的关键物种,但有关南极磷虾反馈光色的机制研究极为缺乏。为了加深对该物种生态学的理解,本研究通过海上现场水箱暂养的方式探究了可见光光色对南极磷虾集群行为的影响。利用光学立体相机同步获取磷虾集群影像,借助摄影测量技术完成南极磷虾个体关键特征点几何信息的高精度自动量测,进而得到可见光中短波蓝光至长波红光间不同光色下集群内个体间距及其游泳倾角。结果显示,磷虾群的绝对个体间距为(14.51±9.71) cm,相对个体间距为(2.84±1.51) BL ,不同光照下的游泳角度为(46.08±35.50) °,并且主要集中在60°左右。研究表明,光色会影响南极磷虾集群内个体的间距,短波蓝光和长波红光间具有显著差异,相较于长波的红光,蓝光的趋向性更佳,但游泳倾角在不同的光色间无显著差异。实验结果将有助于理解野外南极磷虾集群的大小规模以及提升声学评估中目标强度(TS)模型的精度。


    Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is the keystone species in the Antarctic marine ecosystem, and is also the marine protein source that left for human beings. E. superba is creatures that inherently form schools and display intricate social interactions. It is also known to engage in both vertical and horizontal movements in its natural habitat. The social dynamics within these schools are crucial to understanding various biological aspects of E. superba. Consequently, researches into its behavior are essential for comprehensive grasp of krill biology. The effect of visible light color on the aggregation behavior of E. superba was investigated through in-situ aquaria observation on the sea. Understanding the characteristics of the distance between individuals and their swimming angles within schools will help understand the size of schools in the field and improve the accuracy of the target strength (TS) model in acoustic estimate of this species. The krill school images were synchronously acquired by an optical stereo camera in this study. The high-precision automatic measurement of the geometric information of the key feature points of the krill individuals was completed with the help of photogrammetry technology, then obtained the individual distances and swimming angle in the schools under different visible light colors from blue (short-wave) to red (long-wave). Research had found that blue light had a better positive phototaxis to krill compared with long-wavelength red light. The absolute individual spacing of krill schools was (14.51±9.71) cm, and the relative individual spacing was (2.84±1.51) BL. The lighting conditions affected the distance between individuals in the krill schools, and there were significant differences in distance and swimming angle between individuals in the krill schools between short-wavelength blue light and long-wavelength red light. The swimming angle of E. superba under different light colors was (46.08±35.50) ° and concentrated around 60°. There was no significant difference in swimming angle between different light colors. This study helps to understand the characteristics of krill schools in autumn and winter seasons, and provides scientific references for the input parameters of the TS model for krill resource evaluation, in order to improve the evaluation accuracy of the model.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-03-23
  • 最后修改日期:2021-10-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-30
  • 出版日期: 2024-10-01