



TS 254.4


财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系专项 (CARS-47);国家重点研发计划(2019YFD0901903);广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2019A1515111158)

Effects of different drying methods on the flavor of Trachinotus ovatus fillets

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    为探究不同方式干燥卵形鲳鲹鱼片的风味差异,实验选取冰鲜卵形鲳鲹为原料,采用热风干燥、热泵干燥和冷冻干燥3种方式干制卵形鲳鲹鱼片,分别测定并分析其TBA值、呈味核苷酸含量、游离氨基酸含量和挥发性风味物质等指标。结果显示,干燥后的卵形鲳鲹鱼片中TBA值与K值均显著上升,其中冷冻干燥鱼肉的TBA值仅比冰鲜鱼片增加1.6倍,但热泵干燥和热风干燥则分别增加了5.5和4.5倍。干燥后鱼肉中的总游离氨基酸含量及味精当量较冰鲜卵形鲳鲹鱼片显著降低,其中热风干燥鱼肉的味精当量则下降了50.83%。热泵干燥鱼肉中苦味氨基酸含量和鲜味氨基酸含量分别占总氨基酸含量的19.11%和7.37%,而冷冻干燥组鱼肉中甜味氨基酸相对百分含量最高,为53.62%。3种干燥方式中,热泵干燥卵形鲳鲹的味精当量最高,为4.47谷氨酸钠(MGS)/100 g,表明热泵干燥卵形鲳鲹鱼片的鲜味程度最高。就挥发性风味成分而言,热泵干燥鱼肉酯类和酮类较多,其主要呈现果香味和焙烤坚果味;热风干燥中烃类和芳香类的相对含量约占70%,醛类和酯类相对含量达20%;而冷冻干燥中烃类与芳香类相对含量占到90%以上,醛类和酯类相对含量不足8%,其风味较淡。研究表明,3种干燥方式的卵形鲳鲹鱼片均具有较好的食用品质,其中热泵干燥使鱼肉中的鲜味更为明显,而冷冻干燥能有效抑制和延缓鱼肉脂肪的氧化,更适合应用于脂肪含量较高的鱼肉中。本研究结果可为卵形鲳鲹轻便干燥食品加工提供技术参考。


    In order to explore the difference in flavor of dried Trachinotus ovatus fillets with different drying methods, chilled T. ovatus fillets were selected as raw materials in this study. Three drying method were applied in the drying process, including hot air drying, heat pump drying, and freeze drying and the TBA value, nucleotide content, free amino acid content, and volatile flavor substances were measured and analyzed. The results were compared between different drying method groups and the chilled fish group. The results showed that the TBA value and K value of the T. ovatus fillets increased significantly after drying. The TBA value of freeze dried fish was only 1.6 times higher than that of chilled fish fillets, but heat pump drying and hot air drying increased the figure by 5.5 and 4.5 times respectively. After drying, the total free amino acid content and MSG equivalent of the fish were significantly lower than those of the chilled fish fillets. The MSG equivalent of hot air dried fish has dropped by 50.83%. The bitter amino acid content and the umami amino acid content in the heat pump dried fish accounted for 19.11% and 7.37% of the total amino acid content, respectively. Among the three drying methods, the MSG equivalent of 4.47 g MSG/100 g of heat pump dried T. ovatus fillets is the highest, indicating that the heat pump dried T. ovatus fillets has the highest umami degree. In terms of volatile flavor components, heat pump dried fish contains more esters and ketones, which mainly present the flavors of fruits and roasted nuts. In hot air dried fish, the relative content of hydrocarbons and aromatics is about 70%, and the relative content of aldehydes and esters is 20%. In freeze dried fish, the relative content of hydrocarbons and aromatics accounted for more than 90% of the total, and the aldehyde and esters are less than 8%, so its flavor is relatively weak. In summary, the T. ovatus fillets processed by three drying methods had good eating quality. Among them, heat pump drying makes the umami taste in the fish more obvious. Freeze drying can effectively inhibit the oxidation of fat and is more suitable for the fish with high fat content. This provides a technical reference for the processing of light and dry food for the T. ovatus.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-01-13
  • 最后修改日期:2021-04-28
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-07-02
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