






Effects of different water temperature and dietary phosphorus levels on the production performance, tissue and water phosphorus content of Macrobrachium nipponense

Fund Project:

Jiangsu Agricultural Industry Technology System (JATS(2020)462)

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    为探讨不同水温与饲料磷水平对日本沼虾生产性能、组织及水体磷含量的影响,实验采用3×3因子设计,设定3个水温梯度(20、25和30 ℃)和3个饲料磷水平(1.1%、1.5%和1.9%),共9组(分别命名为20/1.1、20/1.5、20/1.9、25/1.1、25/1.5、25/1.9、30/1.1、30/1.5和30/1.9),每组4个重复。虾饲养于室内循环系统中,养殖期为8周。结果显示,从水温来看,30 ℃组的终末体质量、特定生长率和增重率均显著高于20 ℃组,但与25 ℃组间差异不显著,而摄食量和饵料系数的变化趋势与此相反。此外,30 ℃组的磷保留率显著高于其他2组,且该组血淋巴磷含量显著高于25 ℃组,而与20 ℃组无显著差异。从饲料磷水平来看,1.9%磷水平组的终末体质量、增重率和磷保留率显著低于其他2组,而磷摄入量与饵料系数的变化趋势与之相反。1.9%磷水平组的特定生长率显著低于1.5%磷水平组,但与1.1%磷水平组差异不显著。此外,1.1%磷水平组全虾磷含量显著低于其他2组,且该组的血淋巴钙含量显著高于1.9%磷水平组,而与1.5%磷水平组无显著差异;1.5%磷水平组血清碱性磷酸酶活性显著高于1.1%磷水平组,但与1.9%磷水平组间无显著差异。水温和饲料磷水平之间的交互作用显著影响摄食量、磷摄入量、磷保留率、血淋巴磷含量及碱性磷酸酶活性,峰值分别发现于20/1.1、25/1.9和30/1.9、30/1.1、30/1.9及25/1.5组。另外,水体磷含量随时间延长显著升高,而20/1.5组水体磷含量极显著高于25/1.1组和30/1.1组。研究表明,当水温为30 ℃而饲料磷水平为1.1%时,日本沼虾的生长性能及饲料效率最优,同时其对水体中磷的排放量也较低。


    Water temperature and dietary phosphorus levels are crucial for the growth of crustaceans. However, the interactions between both factors are still poorly understood in crustacean culture, which brings difficulties in advancing the feed utilization. This experiment was conducted to explore the effects of different temperature and dietary phosphorus levels on the production performance, tissue and water phosphorus content of M. nipponense. Using a 3×3 factorial design, nine groups (respectively named 20/1.1, 20/1.5, 20/1.9, 25/1.1, 25/1.5, 25/1.9, 30/1.1, 30/1.5, 30/1.9) were formed, including three water temperature (20, 25 and 30 ℃) and three dietary phosphorus levels (1.1%, 1.5% and 1.9%). Each diet was tested by 4 replicates. Prawns were reared in the indoor circulation systems for 8 weeks. The results showed that, in terms of water temperature, the final body weight (FBW), specific growth rate (SGR) and weight gain rate (WGR) of the 30 ℃ group were all significantly higher than those of the 20 ℃, but showed no statistical difference with those of the 25 ℃. However, the opposite was true for feed intake and feed conversion rate (FCR). In addition, the phosphorus retention efficiency (PRE) and hemolymph phosphorus levels of the 30 ℃ group were both significantly higher than those of the other two groups, meanwhile the hemolymph phosphorus level of this group was significantly higher than that of the 25 ℃ group, but showed no significant difference with the 20 ℃ group. In terms of dietary phosphorus levels, the FBW, WGR, PRE and hemolymph calcium level of the 1.9% phosphorus level group were all significantly lower than those of the other groups, while phosphorus intake and FCR showed the opposite trend. The SGR of the 1.9%phosphorus level group was significantly lower than that of the 1.5% group, but showed no statistical difference with that of the 1.1% group. Besides, the whole-body phosphorus contents of the 1.1% group was significantly lower than that of the other groups, and the hemolymph calcium content of this group was significantly higher than that of the 1.9% group, but there was no significant difference with the 1.5% group. Serum alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activities of the 1.5% group was significantly higher than that of the 1.1% group, but showed no statistical difference with those of the1.9% group. Furthermore, feed intake, phosphorus intake, PRE, hemolymph phosphorus level and AKP activities were all significantly affected by the interaction between water temperature and dietary phosphorus level with the maximized values observed in the 20/1.1, 25/1.9 and 30/1.9, 30/1.1, 30/1.9, 25/1.5 group, respectively. Additionally, water phosphorus levels increased significantly with increasing sampling time, while the water phosphorus level of the 20/1.5 group was significantly higher than those of the 25/1.1 and 30/1.1 groups. Overall, M. nipponense in the 30/1.1 group obtained the best growth performance and feed efficiency coupled with low phosphorus emission.



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  • 收稿日期:2020-12-25
  • 最后修改日期:2021-03-11
  • 录用日期:2021-04-11
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-10-26
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