
中国海洋大学 水产学院,中国科学院 海洋研究所,山东省 海水养殖研究所,中国海洋大学 水产学院,中国海洋大学 水产学院,中国科学院 海洋研究所



Cryopreservation for spermatozoa of Centropristis striata

Fisheries College,Ocean University of China,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao,Mariculture Institute of Shandong Province,Fisheries College,Ocean University of China,Fisheries College,Ocean University of China,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao

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    为建立条纹锯精液超低温冷冻保存方法,实验采用计算机辅助精子分析系统(CASA)分析了采用6种抗冻保护剂(GLY[甘油]、DMSO[二甲基亚砜]、PG[丙二醇]、EG[乙二醇]、METH[甲醇]、DMA[二甲基乙酰胺])在4种浓度(5%、10%、15%、20%,v/v)下对条纹锯精液的冷冻保存效果。结果发现,以HBSS为稀释液,采用程序降温仪分步降温冷冻保存条纹锯精液,37℃水浴解冻后的精子中,15% PG 作为抗冻保护剂的精子运动率最高,达到(93.1±0.9)%,与鲜精差异不显著(P>0.05),15% PG 作为抗冻保护剂的精子水浴解冻后精子的运动速度最高,平均直线速度、平均曲线速度、平均路径速度分别达到了(88.3±0.3)μm/s、(76.2±0.5) μm/s、(86.7±0.7) μm/s,与鲜精差异不显著(P>0.05)。在不同种类及不同浓度抗冻保护剂保护下,15% PG 作为抗冻保护剂的精子解冻后 1 min内运动率变化与鲜精差异不显著(P>0.05)。研究表明,15% PG为条纹锯最佳抗冻保护剂,可用于条纹锯精液的超低温冷冻保存。


    In order to establish Centropristis striata sperm cryopreservation method, this paper used a computer-assisted sperm motion analysis system(CASA),and selected six cryoprotectants,such as glycerin(GLY), dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO), propylene glycol(PG), ethylene glycol(EG), dimethyl sulfoxide(DMA), methanol(METH) at four concentrations (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, V/V) in HBSS to find the influence of C. striata sperm cryopreservation. Results showed that the best cryopreservation protocol for C. striata was 15% PG as antifreeze protective agent in HBSS with step cooling scheme. After 37°C water bath thawed, motility of the sperm reached (93.1±0.9)%, which was higher than other combination groups and showed no significant difference with fresh sperm (P>0.05).The group of 15% PG performed best in average linear velocity, average velocity, and average path velocity at (88.3±0.3) μm/s, (76.2±0.5) μm/s, and (86.7±0.7) μm/s, which showed no significant difference with fresh sperm (P>0.05). In different cryoprotectants with different concentration, the motility of 15% PG within 1 min had no significant difference with fresh semen. Therefore, 15% PG was the best cryoprotectant for C. striata and could be applied in practice.

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