Abstract:Reeves shad, Macrura reevesii (Rich.) is one of high value fish inChina. It spawns?nce a year in Gan Jiang river, Jiangxi Province, during theperiod from June to July. The size of fertilized egg ranges from 1. 37 to 2. 20 mm indiameter after absorbing water. The egg is spherical, transparent and semi-pelagic.There are a few of oil globules that range from 0.05 to 0.15 mm in diameter in theyolk. At the water temperature of 26 .5--27. ℃, the first division bogan at 40 mi-nutes after fertilization. About 3 hours and 50 minutres the preblastula stage-reached,and the neurula stage reached at 7 hours and 35 minutes after fertilization. About 17hours after fertilization, the hatching proceso completed. The newly-hatched fish measured 2.75 mm in average body length (range2. 71--2.87 mm). Two-day-old fish measured 4. 45 mm in average (range 3.69--4.90mm), and began to swim horizontally. Four-dsy-old fish opened mouth, the widthof the mouth is about 190 μm, and tried to take food. Five-day-old fish measured5.76 mm on average (range 5.50--6.08 mm), its yolk sac nearly absorbed, a few ofoil globules remains. The digestive canal is completed and divided into two parts-eso-phagus and intestines. Eleven-day-old fish measured 9.27 mm on average (range8.00--10.50 mm) began to swallow Cladoceran and Copepod larvae. Twenty-nine-day-old fish is covered with scales on all surface of its body.