A series of studies on prepared feed for fry of common carp had been proceededsince the winter of 1981. For the purpose to raise carp larvae and fry in winter, anavailable prepared feed Larvstart-5 had been developed in 1983. This prepared feedenhanced the growth and survival rate of common carp during the early larval stage.At the densities of 200,000 larvae/m~3 and 100,000 larvae/m~3 rearing for 15 days, thefry can grow to 11--13 mm in length and 15--22 mg in weight respectively, solelyrelying on Larvstart-5 in complete absence of nature food. The survival rate of larvaewas 77--97%. The composition of prepared feed Larvstart--5 is as follows: crudeprotein 36.7%, crude fat 5.5%, fiber 1.8%, ash 19%, water 8% and carbohydrate19%.