美洲鳗鲡腺瘤病毒(AEAdoV)普通PCR和SYBR Green I实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立及应用




S 941.41


福建省公益类科研院所基本科研专项 (2021R1027007); 福建省农业科学院“5511”协同创新工程建设项目 (XTCXGC2021013)

Establishment and application of routine PCR and SYBR Green I real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR for detection of American eel adomavirus

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    为建立美洲鳗鲡腺瘤病毒 (AEAdoV)的检测方法,根据AEAdoV福建株 (AEAdoV-FJ)的superfamily 3 helicases (S3H)序列,设计引物,建立了AEAdoV的普通PCR和qPCR检测方法;进一步评价检测方法的灵敏性、特异性及重复性,利用2种方法对美洲鳗鲡“出血性烂鳃”病料进行了检测,并对美洲鳗鲡体内不同组织的病毒含量进行分析。结果显示,普通PCR扩增的目的片段长度约300 bp,利用其构建的qPCR质粒标准品,其拷贝数与qPCR阈值循环数(Ct)线性关系良好,线性范围广,标准曲线相关系数(R2)达到0.999,扩增效率为105.067%。建立的普通PCR法和qPCR的最低检测AEAdoV拷贝数分别为100个和10个。2种方法均可特异性检测AEAdoV,而对蛙虹彩病毒 (RGV)、鳗鲡疱疹病毒 (AngHV)、鲤疱疹病毒 (KHV)、对虾白斑综合征病毒 (WSSV)、日本鳗鲡内皮细胞坏死病毒(JEAdoV)和花鳗鲡腺瘤病毒(MEAdoV)均无扩增反应。qPCR法的组内和组间变异系数均小于2%,表明其重复性良好。临床应用结果显示,35份美洲鳗鲡“出血性烂鳃”病料,采用普通PCR法的AEAdoV检出率为82.8%,而qPCR法的AEAdoV检出率为97%。对美洲鳗鲡不同组织的病毒含量分析结果显示,心脏、肝脏、鳃、鳍的AEAdoV相对含量较高,而黏液、皮肤和脾脏的病毒含量相对较低。研究表明,建立的AEAdoV的灵敏度高、特异性强的普通PCR和qPCR检测方法,证实AEAdoV与美洲鳗鲡“出血性烂鳃”病密切相关,且在感染鳗鲡主要组织中都存在。实验结果对于研究AEAdoV的致病性,开展其流行情况和病原学情况分析具有重要意义。


    Haemorrhagic gill necrosis disease (HGND) has become one of the important epidemic diseases of cultured American eels. In previous studies, American eel adomavirus (AEAdoV) was isolated from eel with HGND. In order to establish a PCR and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qPCR) method for the detection of the virus, primers were designed according to the superfamily 3 helicases (S3H) sequence of AEAdoV-FJ. Further evaluations on the sensitivity, specificity, repeatability, and application effect of this method were conducted. The results showed that the established PCR method could specially amplify a 300 bp band, which was cloned and used to construct plasmid standards for qPCR; the cycle threshold value (Ct) of qPCR and the copy number of the standard sample had a consistent relationship with a wide range. The obtained correlation coefficient (R2) of the standard curve reached 0.999, and the amplification efficiency was 105.067%. The qPCR method could detect a minimum of 10 viral copies with higher sensitivity than routine PCR method. Both methods could specifically detect AEAdoV with negative amplification reaction on Rana grylio virus (RGV), Anguillid herpesvirus (AngHV), Koi herpesvirus (KHV), White spot syndrome virus (WSSV), Japanese eel adomavirus (JEAdoV), and Marbled eel adomavirus (MEAdoV). The coefficient of variation within and between groups of this method were both less than 2%, suggesting good repeatability. Further application results showed that the detection rate of AEAdoV from 35 samples of American eels with HGND by routine PCR and qPCR was 82.8% and 97%, respectively, indicating that the virus is prevalent among the diseased eels. Analysis of the virus quantity of the eel tissues indicated that the level of AEAdoV was relatively higher in heart, liver, gill and fin, and lower in mucus, skin and spleen. These results indicate that routine PCR and qPCR assays with high sensitivity and specificity for detection of AEAdoV have been established, and confirm that AEAdoV is closely related to HGND and exists in the main organs of infected eels. This study will be valuable for further investigations of the correlation between AEAdoV and HGND, and helpful for understanding the epidemic and etiology of AEAdoV.


孔文迪,陈曦,杨金先,葛均青.美洲鳗鲡腺瘤病毒(AEAdoV)普通PCR和SYBR Green I实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立及应用[J].水产学报,2024,48(4):049429

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  • 收稿日期:2023-07-17
  • 最后修改日期:2023-10-18
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-25
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