



S 931.3



Evaluation of seasonal variations on the growth features and removable carbon sinks of cultured mussels Mytilus coruscus in Gouqi Island

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    目的 探明贝类养殖活动的固碳增汇潜力。方法 以枸杞岛筏式养殖厚壳贻贝为研究对象,调查了其生长特征与附着动物群落特征的季节变化及其与环境因子的相关性,并基于养殖贝类及附着动物的生物量碳密度,测定评估了厚壳贻贝及其附着动物的可移出碳汇量。结果 厚壳贻贝软组织含水率、肥满度和性腺指数存在明显的季节、年龄和区域差异,其中软组织含水率具体表现为春>冬>秋>夏,1龄>2龄+,养殖区中部>近岸和远岸,与肥满度和性腺指数呈现出相反的趋势,且性腺指数呈现出4龄>3龄>2龄>1龄的规律;厚壳贻贝壳/软组织含碳率、软组织湿重比均存在显著的季节差异,RDA分析表明,软组织含水率和氨氮二者呈现较强正相关关系,软组织含碳率、肥满度和性腺指数与叶绿素a、温度和总氮等环境因子呈现较强正相关关系;附着动物丰度和生物量存在较大的季节差异,其中春季生物量最高,主要物种为绿侧花海葵、网纹纹藤壶、带偏顶蛤、缪氏哲蟹、短毛海鳞虫等;厚壳贻贝生物量碳密度秋季最高,为129.98 g C/kg,春季最低,为108.29 g C/kg,附着动物生物量碳密度春季最高,为6.85 g C/kg,夏季最低,为1.38 g C/kg。结论 通过收获贻贝和附着动物,综合可移出生物量碳密度最高可达135.34 g C/kg,估算2021年枸杞岛贻贝养殖可收获约3.02×104 t C,综合可产生的碳汇经济价值约为1 049万元。研究结果对于最大化提高厚壳贻贝养殖的可移出碳汇能力,以及深入认识和科学评估贝类养殖的碳汇效应具有重要的理论依据和现实意义。


    Marine fishery carbon sinks are an important component of blue carbon. Fishery activities such as shellfish farming are considered among the most promising carbon sink activities. However, precise assessment of carbon sinks in shellfish farming still requires further investigation. To explore the potential of carbon sink in shellfish farming, this study focused on the raft-cultured mussels Mytilus coruscus near Gouqi Island. We examined the seasonal variations in their growth characteristics and the community features of the epiphytic animals, as well as their correlation with environmental factors. Based on the biomass carbon density (BCD) of the cultured mussels and epiphytic animals, we evaluated the removable carbon sink. The results revealed seasonal, age, and regional differences in the tissue moisture, fatness, and gonad index of the mussels. Tissue moisture exhibited the following patterns: spring > winter > autumn > summer, age 1 > age 2+, and the center area > the periphery area, showing opposite trends to both fatness and gonad index. Additionally, the gonad index followed the pattern of age 4 > age 3 > age 2 > age 1. There are significant seasonal differences in the carbon content of the tissues and the shells, as well as the wet weight ratio of the tissues. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed a positive correlation between tissue moisture and ammonia nitrogen. Carbon content of the tissues, fatness, and gonad index were positively correlated with environmental factors such as chlorophyll a, temperature, and total nitrogen. A total of 153 species were identified among the epiphytic animals, belonging to the phyla Coelenterata, Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Nemertina, and Chordata. The main classes included Polychaeta, Malacostraca, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Anzhozoa, Thecostraca, and Ascidiacea. Seasonal differences were observed in the abundance and biomass of epiphytic animals, with the highest biomass detected in spring, primarily consisting of Anthopleura midori, Amphibalanus reticulatus, Modiolus comptus, Menippe rumphii, and Halosydna brevisetosa. RDA analysis indicated that the biomass of the Malacostraca animals was positively correlated with chlorophyll a, temperature, total nitrogen, total carbon, salinity, and nitrite, while the biomass of Ophiuroidea, Anzhozoa, and Thecostraca animals was positively correlated with ammonia nitrogen and nitrate content. The BCD of the mussels was highest at 129.98 g C/kg in autumn and lowest at 108.29 g C/kg in spring. The BCD of epiphytic animals was highest at 6.85 g C/kg in spring and lowest at 1.38 g C/kg in summer. By harvesting the mussels and epiphytic animals, the maximum BCD that can be removed from the water can reach 135.34 g C/kg. In 2021, farming M. coruscus in Gouqi could harvest approximately 3.02×104 tons of carbon, generating an economic value of carbon sink about 10.49 million yuan. Our results provide an important theoretical basis and practical significance for maximizing the removable carbon sink capacity through farming M. coruscus, as well as for deepening the understanding and evaluation of the carbon sink effects of shellfish farming.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-04
  • 最后修改日期:2024-05-06
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-21
  • 出版日期: 2025-01-01