





国家重点研发项目(2022YFE0203900);国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-47-01);威海市海洋产业重点技术“揭榜挂帅”项目(2022-03) ;中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费专项 (2020TD25); 广东省科技计划项目(20221207)

Relationship between phenotypic morphological traits and body weight of Hippocampus abdominalis at different months

1.Fisheries College,Ocean University of China;2.National Key Laboratory of Mariculture Biobreeding and Sustainable Goods,Qingdao Key Laboratory for Marine Fish Breeding and Biotechnology,Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;3.Weihai Yinze Biotechnology Co. LTD;4.Weihai Yinze Biotechnology Co LTD

Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFE0203900); National Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System (CARS-47-01) ; Weihai Marine Industry Key Technology “Unveiling” Project (2022-03); Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund, CAFS (2020TD25); Science and Technology Project of Guangdong Province (20221207)

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    为了探究膨腹海马生长特性,分析各月龄膨腹海马表型形态性状对体重的影响大小,寻找影响体重的主要表型形态性状。实验每月定期从1~5月龄膨腹海马池子中随机各取60尾,连续跟踪4个月,测量其体重及7个表型性状,综合采用相关分析、多元回归分析、通径分析方法分析性状间相互关系,并利用逐步回归分析方法建立各月龄膨腹海马体重模型。结果表明:1~4月龄膨腹海马所测各表型性状与体重之间的相关系数均达到极显著水平,而5月龄膨腹海马除吻长与体重相关性不显著之外,其余表型性状均与体重极显著相关;1、2月龄膨腹海马表型性状对体重直接影响最大的为头鳃盖后缘到尾尖长(r1=0.615、r2=0.334),对体重的直接决定程度(r12=37.8% 、r22=11.2%)最高;3、4、5月龄膨腹海马表型性状对体重直接影响最大的为背鳍处宽度(r3=0.792、r4=0.619、r5=0.397),对体重的直接决定程度(r32=62.7%、r42=38.3%、r52=15.8%)最高;各月龄膨腹海马所选表型性状对体重的回归系数R12=0.932、R22=0.915、R32=0.958、R42=0.932、R52= 0.877,表明所选性状是影响体重的主要性状。以背鳍处宽度(DFW)、头鳃盖后缘到尾尖长(CPCT)、背鳍处厚度(DFT)、背鳍后缘到尾尖长(DFPCT)、头颈处厚度(HNT)、头长(HL)、吻长(SL)为自变量建立了估计1~5月龄膨腹海马体重的回归方程。本研究结果表明,在膨腹海马体重选育中,应充分考虑其生长特性,不同月龄期选育的性状依据不同,本研究可为膨腹海马选育工作提供理论依据,提高选育精度和效率。


    Hippocampus abdominalis was the largest known species of seahorse, primarily distributed in the sea of Australian and New Zealand. It has faster growth rates, higher survival rates, stronger stress resistance, and easier breeding, thus introduced to China in 2016. Current research primarily focused on reproductive physiology, pharmacological effects, and aquaculture ecology, while there had been no reports on genetic breeding research. Under high-density single-species breeding conditions, many breeding varieties would face the fate of germplasm degradation and restricted industrial development space, unless selection of superior varieties was carried out in a timely manner. Accordingly, this article launched the research on the selection of superior varieties of H. abdominalis. In order to explore the growth characteristics of H. abdominalis and analyze the impact of phenotypic morphological traits on weight at different ages, we seeked to identify the main phenotypic morphological traits that affect weight. We randomly selected 60 individuals from 1 to 5-month-old H. abdominalis pools each month for four consecutive months, measured their weight and seven phenotypic traits, used correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis to analyze the relationships between traits, and used stepwise regression analysis to establish weight models for H. abdominalis of different ages. The results showed that the correlation coefficients between the measured phenotypic traits and weight at 1, 2, 3, and 4 months of age were extremely significant (P<0.01), while at 5 months of age, except for the snout length, which was not correlated with weight, the other phenotypic traits were significantly correlated with weight (P<0.01). The phenotypic traits that most directly affect weight at 1 and 2 months of age are the length from the posterior margin of the cephalic branchial cover to the tail tip (r1=0.615, r2=0.334), with the highest degree of direct determination of weight (r12=37.8%, r22=11.2%). At 3, 4, and 5 months of age, the phenotypic traits that most directly affect weight are the width at the dorsal fin (r3=0.792, r4=0.619, r5=0.397), with the highest degree of direct determination of weight (r32=62.7%, r42=38.3%, r52=15.8%). The regression coefficients R12=0.932、R22=0.915、R32=0.958、R42=0.932、R52= 0.877 for the selected phenotypic traits at different ages indicate that these selected traits are the main traits that affect weight. Using the dorsal fin width (DFW), cephalic gill cover long from posterior margin to caudal tip (CPCT), dorsal fin thickness (DFT), dorsal fin long from posterior margin to caudal tip (DFPCT), head and neck thickness (HNT), head length (HL) and snout length (SL) as independent variables, we established a regression equation to estimate the weight of H. abdominalis at 1-5 months of age. This research showed that in selecting H. abdominalis by weight, their growth characteristics should be fully considered, and the traits selected at different ages should be based on different criteria. This research could provide a theoretical guidance for the weight selecting of H. abdominalis, thereby improving selection accuracy and efficiency.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-07-07
  • 最后修改日期:2024-01-13
  • 录用日期:2024-03-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-19
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