



Q 179.2;S 917.4


国家自然科学基金 (31872570);广东省应用海洋生物学重点实验室运行经费(2020B1212060058)

Re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of three nominal species, Cynoglossus abbreviatus, C. trigrammus and C. purpureomaculatus in Cynoglossus (Pleuronectodei: Cynoglossidae)

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    舌鳎属有些种类形态特征高度相似,导致了鉴定困难和种类的混乱,例如短吻三线舌鳎 (Cynoglossus abbreviatus,Gray,1834)、褐斑三线舌鳎 (C. trigrammus,Günther,1862)和紫斑舌鳎 (C. purpureomaculatus,Regan,1905)的种类有效性和种间关系就存在三种观点:仅短吻三线舌鳎为有效种;短吻三线舌鳎和褐斑三线舌鳎均为有效种,而紫斑舌鳎是褐斑三线舌鳎的次同物异名;三个名义种均为有效种。为了解决这一分类混乱,本研究对三种舌鳎的原始描述、自测的模式标本和中国大陆沿海采集标本的28个形态特征和分子条形码进行了比较分析。结果显示,8个可数和16个可量特征的比例值以及2个描述性状在三个种之间为一致、包含、大部分重叠的关系;只有2个描述特征存在差异,一个是在吻长较上眼上缘距背鳍基部的长度特征上,短吻三线舌鳎和紫斑舌鳎为略长、等长或略短于的连续特征值,而褐斑三线舌鳎为明显大于;另一个差异是体表的花色差异,紫斑舌鳎体长一般小于200 mm,且具有明显的斑纹,短吻三线舌鳎体长一般大于200 mm,且随着体长增加,斑点逐渐淡化或者无斑,而不同体长的褐斑三线舌鳎在头后和身体前3/4均具有明显的零星褐色斑纹。COⅠ分子条形码结果显示,短吻三线舌鳎和紫斑舌鳎的遗传距离为0.000~0.002,为种内差异; 褐斑三线舌与其他两种舌鳎之间的遗传距离为0.141~0.145,为种间差异。研究表明,短吻三线舌鳎和褐斑三线舌鳎是有效种,紫斑舌鳎是短吻三线舌鳎的次同物异名。本研究结果为鲽形目鱼类的正确分类提供了科学依据。


    The morphological characteristics of some species of the genus Cynoglossus are highly similar, making it difficult to identify and distinguish between species. For example, in the case of tongue soles with three complete lateral lines on the eye side, C. abbreviatus (Gray, 1834), C. trigrammus (Günther, 1862) and C. purpureomaculatus (Regan). There are three opinions on the validity and interspecies relationship of the three species: only C. abbreviatus as a valid species; C. abbreviatus and C. trigrammus as a valid species, and C. purpureomaculatus is a synonym of of C. trigrammus; all three species are valid species. In order to resolve this classification confusion, the 28 morphological characteristics of the specimens from the original descriptions of three tongue soles, type specimens measured in this study, and the specimens from the coast of mainland China were compared and the COⅠ Barcoding were amplified. The results show that values of eight meristic, 16 proportional characters and two descriptive features among the three species were consistent, containing and largely overlapping; only other two descriptive features showed difference. One is the relative size of the snout length to the length of the upper margin of the upper eye from the base of the dorsal fin, which in C. abbreviatus and C. purpureomaculatus is the continuous values (slightly longer, equal or slightly shorter), while significantly longer in C. trigrammus.The other difference is the coloration of the ocular-side body. For C. purpureomaculatus, the standard length is usually less than 200 mm, and there are irregular dark-brown speckles spread over the entire body; the standard length of C. abbreviatus is usually more than 250 mm, and the speckles disappear gradually with increasing of body length . But the cloud-shaped dark-brown blotches sparsely over the area between posterior head to anterior 3/4 of the body in C. trigrammus. The COⅠ genetic distances between C. abbreviatus and C. purpureomaculatus was 0.000-0.002, suggesting the differences are intra-specific, while that between these former two species and C. trigrammus were 0.141-0.145, suggesting inter-specific differences. Based on the above morphological and molecular results, the conclusion of this study is C. abbreviatus and C. trigrammus were affirmed as a valid species, and C. purpureomaculatus is a junior synonym of C. abbreviatus. The results of this study provide a scientific basis for the correct classification of Pleuronectiformes.


孔晓瑜,罗海容,THOMASA. Munroe.短吻三线舌鳎、褐斑三线舌鳎和紫斑舌鳎种类的有效性厘定[J].水产学报,2024,48(3):039110

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  • 收稿日期:2022-09-05
  • 最后修改日期:2022-11-25
  • 录用日期:2023-01-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-03-19
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