基于环境DNA metabarcoding的舟山及其邻近海域鱼类空间分布格局的初步研究




S 932.4


国家自然科学基金(41806180, 41976083);浙江省重点研发计划项目(2021C2047)

Preliminary study on spatial distribution pattern of fish in Zhoushan and its adjacent waters based on environmental DNA metabarcoding

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    为了解舟山及其邻近海域主要鱼类群落的种类组成,监测和保护其多样性,本研究于2019年5月在舟山及其邻近海域9个站位共采集了27个水样,采用环境DNA (environmental DNA,eDNA) metabarcoding技术确定了各站位鱼类群落组成和生物多样性。结果显示,舟山及其邻近海域共检出52种鱼类,隶属于18目37科49属,有4种鱼类仅注释到属级分类阶元。其中,鲈形目和鲭形目占比最高,分别为28.85%和15.38%,不同海域优势种存在较大差异。多样性(Shannon指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数)表现趋势基本相同,均表现为舟山近海海域>长江河口海域>舟山外海海域。各鱼种eDNA在不同水层变化趋势大致可以分为3种,且多数鱼种序列丰度在水层间的变化趋势与其栖息水层偏好高度吻合。此外,通过与其他学者的研究结果进行比较分析,发现同一时间相同海域的eDNA metabarcoding研究结果差异较大,表明目前eDNA技术仍不能完全替代传统调查方法。未来可以将eDNA metabarcoding技术作为一种辅助手段应用于渔业资源监测,提高检测效率并减少对生态系统的干扰。本研究可为岛礁海域的鱼类群落调研提供新的思路和方法。


    As an irreplaceable and important ecosystem, island reef waters meet the needs of fish communities for growth, reproduction, development and protection from natural predators. They are good habitats for many species. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding technology, which combines universal primers with high-throughput sequencing (high-throughput sequencing, HTS) technology, facilitates the amplification of eDNA from multiple target groups and has great potential in establishing or improving the assessment of species diversity. Zhoushan archipelago is the largest archipelago in China, which consisting of 2 085 islands. A total of 27 water samples were collected from nine stations in Zhoushan and its adjacent waters in May 2019 in this study to better understand the species composition of the major fish communities in Zhoushan and its adjacent waters and to monitor and protect their diversity. eDNA metabarcoding technique was used to determine the fish community composition. The results showed that 52 species of fish were detected in Zhoushan and its adjacent waters, belonging to 19 orders, 36 families and 49 genera. Four species were only annotated to genus-level. Perciformes and Scombriformes account for the highest proportion, 28.85% and 15.38%, respectively. The dominant species in different sea areas were quite different. The distribution trends of the Shannon, Simpson, and Pielou indices were basically the same. They all showed the trend as Zhoushan offshore waters > Yangtze River estuary > Zhoushan offshore waters. The variation of eDNA in different water layers could be roughly divided into three trends, and the trend of most fish species' sequence abundance between water layers was highly consistent with their habitat preference. In addition, by comparing the results with other scholars, it was found that the eDNA metabarcoding results in the same sea area at the same time varied greatly, which indicated that the repeatability of the eDNA technology was less reproducible and should be used with caution in the field of fisheries resources monitoring. Therefore, eDNA technology can only partially replace traditional survey methods at present. In the future, eDNA metabarcoding can be used as an adjunct to fishery resource monitoring to improve detection efficiency and reduce interference with ecosystems. This study can provide new ideas and methods for the study of fish communities in island reef waters.


张浩博,王晓艳,陈治,钟兰萍,高天翔.基于环境DNA metabarcoding的舟山及其邻近海域鱼类空间分布格局的初步研究[J].水产学报,2024,48(8):089311

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  • 收稿日期:2022-07-27
  • 最后修改日期:2022-11-01
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-14
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-01