




国家自然科学基金(31001138,31972844);国家重点研发计划 (2020YFD0900803)

Effect of escape vent location on escaping behavior of Portunus trituberculatus in crab pots

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    为了检验蟹笼渔具逃逸口对三疣梭子蟹逃逸行为的影响,实验使用红外水下摄像装备观察了三疣梭子蟹对3种不同配置逃逸口 (位于侧网底部、开口高度3.2 cm和4.0 cm以及位于侧网顶部、开口高度4.0 cm)的反应行为。水下观察结果显示,三疣梭子蟹在笼底的探索行为使其能轻易发现和接近底部逃逸口,而垂直搜索行为能使其发现和接近顶部逃逸口,虽然发现并接近顶部逃逸口所需的时间显著大于底部逃逸口,但平均次数无显著性差异;87%接近逃逸口的个体企图穿越逃逸口,且逃逸口位置对此无显著影响;所有个体均采用侧身姿态穿越逃逸口,甲高是决定个体成功逃逸的关键因素;穿越顶部逃逸口的三疣梭子蟹需要花费更多的时间和精力调整姿态和位置以更好地匹配逃逸口,但广义线性混合模型(GLMM模型) 拟合结果显示,逃逸口位置对个体逃逸成功率没有显著影响,表明三疣梭子蟹具有较高的个体姿态操纵能力,而笼内个体数量对逃逸成功率具有显著的影响。结合水下观察,研究认为个体在探索行为的活跃程度和浸泡时间会影响逃逸口的性能;考虑到东海近海蟹笼的结构和渔业现状,研究认为在蟹笼侧网靠近底部安装一个逃逸口是目前可行的技术措施。


    Crab pots have become one of the main fishing gears for harvesting swimming crabs in the East China Sea since the 1980s. However, the tremendous fishing effort of the crab pot fishery in the East China Sea has brought great pressure on crab resources. Installation of escape vents on crab pots is one of the potential technical measures to improve the fishing efficiency of pots and conserve crab resources. In this study, to examine the effect of the location of escape vents on escaping behavior of Portunus trituberculatus in crab pots, the response behavior of P. trituberculatus to three rectangular escape vent configurations, including B32 vent, escape vent with 3.2 cm opening height and located at the bottom edge of the side panel, B40 vent, escape vent with 4.0 cm opening height and located at the bottom edge of the side panel, and T40 vent, escape vent with 4.0 cm opening height and located at the top edge of the side panel, was observed in a tank by infrared underwater cameras. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) with logit distribution were used to analyze the effect of the location of escape vents and quantitative behavioral indicators derived from underwater observations, including the number of crabs, duration of stay in pots, and so on, on the escaping behavior of crab. The results from underwater observation indicated that P. trituberculatus pre-stocked in the pots could detect and approach the bottom vents readily in their search behavior on the floor of pots. The detection and approaching of the top vents only took place in their vertical search behavior. Although the durations from ingress to first approaching and mean durations of all approaching the top vents ware more than those for bottom vents, no significant difference in the mean number of times of approach was detected between the top and bottom vents. For crabs approaching vents, 87% of them attempted to pass through the vents and there was no significant difference in the attempt to pass through between bottom and top vents. The model fit of GLMM indicated that no significant quantitative behavioral indicators affected the escape attempts of crabs. All crabs walked sideways through vents, so whether crabs pass through an escape vent depends upon carapace depth. To better match the top escape vents, crabs spent more time and effort adjusting their posture and location. However, the output of GLMM fit shows that the location of escape vents has no significant effect on the ratio of crab escape, which indicates that P. trituberculatus are good at manipulating their body, while the effect of the number of crabs inside pots was a significant factor. According to behavior observation, it is suggested that the efficiency of the escape vent could be affected by the activity of search behavior of crabs and soaking time. Taking into account the structure of the crab pot and the current status of fisheries, the authors recommended an escape vent mounted at the bottom edge of the side panel should be a feasible technical measure.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-06-06
  • 最后修改日期:2021-10-26
  • 录用日期:2021-10-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-06-15
  • 出版日期: 2023-06-01