



S 968.9



Effect of light condition on embryo and larva development of Babylonia areolata

Fund Project:

the Doctoral Scientific Research Foundation of Guangdong Ocean university (R20051); Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology through the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFD0901400); Natural Science Foundation of China (31702325)

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    为研究光因子对方斑东风螺胚胎受精孵化过程的影响,实验采用析因实验设计法研究了光照强度、光质和光周期等不同光条件对方斑东风螺胚胎发育过程中受精率(FR)、孵化率(HR)和变态率(MR)的影响,通过回归模型,优化光条件,找到利于胚胎发育的最佳光质、光强和光周期。结果显示,不同光质条件下,光照强度和光周期一次效应、交互效应和二次效应均呈显著水平,三者存在互作效应。在绿光条件下,光照强度为13.70 μmol/(m2·s),光照时间为15.54 h时,其FR、HR和MR达到最优值,其值分别为91.36 %、88.64 %和92.02 %,优化后绿光促进东风螺胚胎发育效果最为明显,其次是红光和白光。在蓝光条件下,其光照强度和光周期任意组合水平下FR、HR和MR与其他光质比较均较低,且随着光照强度增加和光照时间延长,三项指标值下降越明显,因而表明蓝光对胚胎发育起到抑制作用。实验表明,合适的光照强度和光周期能与光质协同作用,可以提高方斑东风螺育苗效率和苗种品质。


    Babylonia areolata is well-liked and has great market value, but its embryonic development success rate is very low and it is difficult to meet the market demand.. In this study, the effects of light intensity, light quality and photoperiod on fertilization rate ( FR ), hatching rate ( HR ) and metamorphosis rate ( MR ) during embryonic development of B. areolata were researched by factorial design. In addition, the result was analyzed by establishing regression models to optimize light conditions and find the best combination level of light quality, light intensity and photoperiod for embryonic development of B. areolata. The results showed that compared with other light conditions, green light had a better promoting effect on embryo incubation, and FR、HR and MR had maximum of 89.84%, 90.34% and 91.49%, respectively when photoperiod was 12L∶12D and the light intensity was 16 μmol/(m2·s). However, under the condition of blue light, FR, HR and MR were lower than other light qualities for any combination of light intensity and photoperiod levels, with maximum values of 49.71%, 50.26% and 43.49%, respectively. With the increase of light intensity and the extension of light time, the three indexes decreased more and more obviously, which indicated that blue light inhibited embryonic development of B. areolata. Through the establishment of model analysis found that under different light quality conditions, FR, HR and MR were significantly affected by the linear, interaction and quadratic effects of light intensity and photoperiod, that is, under any light quality condition, there was interaction effect between light intensity and photoperiod. The optimal light conditions were optimized when the light quality was used as a classification variable, it was found that under the condition of green light, the light intensity was 13.70 μmol/(m2·s), and the illumination time was 15.54 h, the FR, HR and MR reached the optimal value, which were 91.359 %, 88.637 % and 92.023 %, respectively. However, under blue light conditions, at a light intensity of 14 and a light duration of 6 h, the values of FR, HR and MR were 45.28 %, 47.69 % and 45.04 %. Compared with other light qualities, under the optimized conditions, the effect of green light on the embryonic development of B. areolata was the most obvious, followed by red, white light and blue light. In summary, appropriate light intensity and light duration can act synergistically with light quality, and in actual production, green light conditions can effectively improve the emergence efficiency and seedling quality of B. areolata, and blue light has an inhibitory effect on embryo development.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-05-21
  • 最后修改日期:2022-03-16
  • 录用日期:2022-03-31
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-06-15
  • 出版日期: 2023-06-01