



S 917.4


国家重点研发计划 (2018YFD0900200);国家自然科学基金 (31672649)

Histochemical study of glycogen and lipid of different fertility Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) during gonadal development

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    为探讨不同育性长牡蛎性腺发育过程中主要供能物质的利用和变化差异,利用过碘酸雪夫氏染色 (PAS染色)和油红O染色法对不同育性三倍体长牡蛎及二倍体长牡蛎性腺组织进行观察分析。结果显示,在增殖期,二倍体和三倍体长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中均含有大量糖原和脂质。随着性腺发育,二倍体和可育型三倍体 (3nα型)长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中糖原含量明显下降,到成熟期几乎检测不到糖原,说明性腺结缔组织中的糖原为配子发生提供能量。脂质主要存在于性腺结缔组织和卵母细胞的细胞质中,说明脂质是卵细胞发育的重要组成物质。雌性二倍体和3nα型长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中的脂质含量随着性腺发育并未发生明显下降,推测糖原可能转化为脂质以满足性腺发育的物质需求。脂质含量在二倍体雄性长牡蛎的性腺发育过程中出现明显的减少,说明脂质在雄性性腺发育中的主要功能可能是供能而不是结构组成。糖原和脂质作为长牡蛎性腺发育过程中重要的供能和组成物质,在不育型三倍体 (3nβ型)长牡蛎性腺发育过程中含量没有发生明显的变化,这与3nβ型配子发生受阻密切相关。推测3nβ型长牡蛎由于配子发育受阻,性腺发育初期积累的糖原和脂质并未分配至生殖细胞,而留在结缔组织中,从而使其在繁殖季节仍然能够保持快速生长。研究结果为牡蛎生殖发育调控机制及育性控制育种提供重要信息。


    Shellfish culture is one of the pillar industries of China's mariculture industry, and oyster is the species with the highest yield and output value. Crassostrea gigas, also known as Pacific oyster, is one of the leading species of oyster culture in China, which is characterized by high fertility, strong adaptability, rapid growth and rich nutrition. In order to solve the problem of diploid oysters with reduced meat quality due to spawning in summer, triploid oysters were successfully cultivated. Because of their poor fertility and high quality in breeding season, the market vacancy of diploid oysters in summer was made up for. The study of the regulatory mechanism of gonadal development has always been one of the hot research fields in developmental biology. Gonad development is accompanied by energy storage and utilization. Analysis of energy storage and consumption during gonadal development helps to reveal the regulation mechanism of gonadal development. Therefore, to carry out research on energy changes and related regulation mechanisms in the development of gonads of different fertility oysters has important scientific significance and important application value. In order to investigate the utilization and change of the main energy supply substances during the gonadal development of different fertility C. gigas, the gonadal tissues of triploid and diploid C. gigas were observed and analyzed by using the methods of PAS staining and oil red O staining. The results showed that a large amount of glycogen and lipid are accumulated in the gonadal connective tissue of both diploid and triploid C. gigas during the proliferation stage. With the development of gonad, the content of glycogen in the gonadal connective tissue of diploid and fertile triploid (3nα type) C. gigas decrease significantly, and almost no glycogen is detected at maturity stage, indicating that the glycogen in the gonadal connective tissue provides energy for gametogenesis. Lipids mainly existed in the connective tissue and cytoplasm of oocytes in the female diploid and 3nα gonad of C. gigas, indicating that lipids were an important component of oocyte development. The content of lipids in gonadal connective tissue of female diploid and 3nα type C. gigas does not decrease significantly with gonadal development, so it is speculated that glycogen may be converted into lipids to meet the material needs of gonad development. Lipids are significantly reduced during the gonadal development in diploid male C. gigas, indicating that the main function of lipids in the gonadal development of male C. gigas may be energy supply rather than structural composition. As important energy supply and components in the gonadal development of C. gigas, their content shows no significant change during the gonadal development of sterile triploid (3nβ type) C. gigas, and this is closely related to the locked gametogenesis of the 3nβ. It is speculated that glycogen and lipid accumulated at the early stage of gonadal development of 3nβ can not be transported to germ cells, but remain in connective tissue due to the blocked gametogenesis, so that the sterile triploid C. gigas can still grow rapidly during the reproductive season. The results of this study provide important information for the regulation mechanism of oyster reproductive development and fertility control breeding.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-04-20
  • 最后修改日期:2021-09-01
  • 录用日期:2021-11-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-12-09
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