



S 963.73



Effects of molasses addition on bacterial community structure of rearing water of Litopenaeus vannamei

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Fund projecting: National Key Research and Development Program of China (2020YFD0900205); Guangdong Ocean University's special fund for strengthening the university through innovation in 2019 (230419095).

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    为探索糖蜜对凡纳滨对虾生长及其水体菌群的影响,实验利用16S rDNA扩增子高通量测序技术,比较了添加糖蜜调节水体碳氮比的处理组(C/N=16.0)与无添加的对照组(C/N=8.5)这2种模式下第4、13和34天时水体菌群结构差异,并通过PICRUSt2软件对菌群功能进行预测。结果显示,尽管糖蜜添加对凡纳滨对虾体长和体质量无显著影响,但可显著提高对虾存活率;第4天时水体菌群Shannon多样性与均匀度指数均显著上升,第13与34天时均显著下降。添加糖蜜后,处理组α-变形菌纲和放线菌门相对丰度均极显著高于对照组,蓝细菌门和γ-变形菌纲丰度则显著低于对照组,β-变形菌纲丰度在第4和34天时也显著低于对照组,拟杆菌门丰度在第4和13天时分别显著高于和低于对照组。科水平上,处理组第4、13和34天时微杆菌科相对丰度均显著高于对照组;第4天时红杆菌科和黄杆菌科丰度均极显著高于对照组,而德沃斯氏菌科、产碱菌科和列文氏菌科丰度均极显著低于对照组;第13天时海仙菌科和环杆菌科丰度均极显著低于对照组;脱醌菌科丰度在第34天时显著高于对照组。添加糖蜜后,处理组芽殖杆菌属和脱醌菌属等优势属的丰度显著高于对照组,而海仙菌属等丰度则显著下降。菌群功能预测结果显示,第34天时,丰度排序前20的代谢功能项在处理组的富集程度均明显优于对照组,尤其糖酵解/糖异生等8项属于碳水化合物代谢或能量代谢的功能均高度富集。研究表明,糖蜜适量添加可显著影响凡纳滨对虾养殖水体优势菌群相对丰度,优化水体菌群结构,并增强其碳水化合物和能量代谢通路功能,从而提高对虾存活率。本研究为糖蜜作为有机碳源应用于对虾生物絮团养殖提供了理论依据。


    As an effective, safe and eco-friendly aquaculture mode, biofloc technology (BFT) is receiving more and more attention nowadays. So far, the impacts of BFT on perfomances of Litopenaeus vannamei regarding organic carbon sources, C/N ratio and culture density have been reported, which especially focusing on water quality and biofloc microflora. However, the effect of molasses on the aquatic microbiota during shrimp culture has not been systematically evaluated. In order to investigate the effects of molasses on shrimp growth and aquatic microbiota during culture of L. vannamei, high-throughput sequencing of 16S rDNA amplicons was used to compare the differences of bacterial community structure between the treatment group with molasses (C/N=16.0) and the control group (C/N=8.5) on the 4th, 13th and 34th days respectively, and the microflora function was predicted by PICRUSt2. The results showed that although molasses addition had no significant effects on body length and body weight of shrimp, the shrimp survival rate was significantly enhanced. Compared with the control group, the Shannon diversity and evenness indices of aquatic microbiota in treatment group increased significantly on the 4th day, while decreased markedly on the 13th and 34 th days. After adding molasses, the relative abundances of α-Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria in the treatment group were very significantly higher than those in the control group, whereas the abundances of Cyanobacteria and γ-Proteobacteria presented an opposite trend. The abundance of β-Proteobacteria was also significantly lower than that of the control group on the 4th and 34th days. Additionally, the abundance of Bacteroidetes was significantly higher and lower than that of the control group on the 4th and 13th days, respectively. At the family level, the relative abundance of Microbacteriaceae in the treatment group was significantly higher than that in the control group on the 4th, 13th, and 34th days. On the 4th day, the relative abundances of Rhodobacteraceae and Flavobacteriaceae were extremely significantly higher than those of the control group, while the abundances of Devosiaceae, Alcaligenaceae and Lewinellaceae exhibited conversely. On the 13th day, the abundances of Halieaceae and Cyclobacteriaceae were significantly lower than that of the control group. On the 34th day, the abundance of Demequinaceae was significantly higher than that of the control group. The abundances of dominant genera such as Gemmobacter and Demequina in the treatment group were significantly higher than those in the control group, while the abundances of some genera such as Haliea decreased significantly. The functional prediction of aquatic microflora showed that the top 20 items in the treatment group presented extremely significant metabolic function enrichment on the 34th day, and eight of these items, including glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, were highly enriched, which mainly act on carbohydrate or energy metabolism. The results indicated that the proper amount of molasses could significantly affect the relative abundances of dominant bacterial communities in rearing water of L. vannamei, optimize the microflora structure by enriching the functions of carbohydrate and energy metabolism pathways, and thus improve the survival rate of shrimp. This study provides key and practical references for application of molasses as an organic carbon source in shrimp biofloc aquaculture.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-03-26
  • 最后修改日期:2021-07-02
  • 录用日期:2021-08-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-09-01
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