



Q 321+.3;S 965.1



Structure and vitality of sperm of diploid M. anguillicaudatus, P. dabryanus and their hybrid F1

Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(31372180)

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    二倍体泥鳅与大鳞副泥鳅杂交能够顺利获得杂交后代,其正反交核型都为(2n=49),但杂交后代精巢表现出明显的发育迟缓现象,杂交泥鳅自交与回交实验表明,其雄性不可育。为了解二倍体泥鳅和大鳞副泥鳅杂交F1雄性不育的原因,实验通过计算机辅助精子活力分析系统(CASA)、光学显微镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜、流式细胞技术分别对二倍体泥鳅(DD)、大鳞副泥鳅(PP)、其正反杂交F1(DP)和(PD) 4种泥鳅精子的形态结构与活力进行了分析。结果显示,激活30 s时,DD和PP的精子运动率分别为76.50%±0.70%和75.17%±8.60%,极显著高于DP (3.65%±1.75%)和PD (2.68%±0.63%),且杂交泥鳅的精子的平均运动速度(VAP)、平均曲线速度(VCL)、平均直线运动速度(VSL)等运动参数也极显著低于DD和PP,说明杂交泥鳅精子的活力极其低下。应用流式细胞技术对4种泥鳅精巢内细胞进行倍性鉴定,发现DD和PP精巢内大多为1N精子,而DP和PD精巢内除了正常单倍体精子外,还有大量的2N和4N以及少量的8N细胞。通过扫描电镜和透射电镜发现,DD与PP精巢内精子细胞致密、结构完整、大小均匀,其全长分别为(33.71±2.12)和(34.28±1.83) μm。而DP和PD精巢内的精子其头长显著高于DD和PP的精子 ,其尾长、中片长和全长皆显著低于DD和PP的精子。研究表明,杂交泥鳅的精子与正常精子相比,在精子形态和内部DNA含量方面表现出明显多态性。这可能是造成杂交泥鳅雄性不育的原因。杂交泥鳅中出现了大量的异常精子,如多尾精子、双核精子以及大头精子,根据测量,其头部大小也表现出明显的多态性,根据头部体积大小测量估算其倍性,其中有正常的精子即单倍体精子,同时有二倍体精子、四倍体精子、八倍体精子甚至更高倍性的精子。这些杂交泥鳅的异常精子为其精子活力低下以及雄性不育提供了重要证据。


    The number of chromosomes of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cobitidae; Cobitinae; Misgurnus) is (2n=50) and that of Paramisgurnus dabryanus (Cobitidae; Cobitinae; Paramisgurnus) is (2n=48). Hybridization between M. anguillicaudatus (DD) and P. dabryanus (PP) can successfully obtain hybrid progeny(DP, PD) with karyotypes (2n=49), but the testes and ovaries of the hybrid progeny showed obvious developmental retardation. Self-crossing and backcrossing experiments of DP (DD♀×PP♂) showed that male DP were infertile. The sperm morphology and vitality of the loach M. anguillicaudatus (DD), large scale loach P. dabryanus (PP), hybrid F1 generation (DP) and (PD) were analyzed through computer assisted sperm analysis system (CASA), optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and flow cytometry technology in order to explore the reason of male sterility in F1 generation of hybrid between M. anguillicaudatus and P. dableurus. The results showed that the sperm motility rates of DD and PP were 76.50%±0.70% and 75.17%±8.60% respectively at 30 s of activation, which were significantly higher than DP (3.65%±1.75%) and PD (2.68%±0.63%) (P<0.01), and the related motion parameters such as VAP, VCL, VSL of hybrid loach are significantly lower than DD and PP (P<0.01), which reveals that the the sperm of the hybrid loach are particularly inactive. Ploidy identification was carried out on the sperms of four species of loach in the sperms of DD and PP by flow cytometers. It was found that the sperms of DD and PP were mostly 1N cells, while there were a large number of 2N and 4N and a small number of 8N cells in the sperms of DP and PD except for the normal haploid sperm. The spermatozoa in DD and PP testes were dense, intact and uniform in length (33.71±2.12) and (34.28±1.83) μm, respectively, by SEM and TEM. The head length of sperm in the testis of DP and PD was significantly longer than that of DD and PP (P<0.05), while the tail length, midlength and full length of sperm in the testis of DP and PD were significantly shorter than those of DD and PP (P<0.05). DP and PD in the testis displayed a large number of abnormal sperm, such as multitailed sperm, binuclear sperm and big-head sperm. Head size showed obvious polymorphism, according to the head size measurements to estimate its ploidy, including normal sperm haploid sperm, at the same time have diploid and tetraploid sperms, or even higher haploid sperm. The abnormal sperm of these hybrid loach provided important evidence for its low sperm motility and male sterility.



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  • 收稿日期:2020-10-02
  • 最后修改日期:2021-03-24
  • 录用日期:2021-04-03
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-01-05
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