



Q 785; S 917.4


山东省重大科技创新工程项目 (2018SDKJ0303-4);科技部重点研发项目 (2019YFD0900904);中国水产科学研究院创新团队项目 (2020TD51)

Gastric evacuation characteristics, digestive enzyme activity and appetite-related genes expression in juvenile yellowtail kingfish (Seriola aureovittata)

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    为阐明黄条鰤幼鱼摄食消化特性,构建最佳胃排空数学模型,确立最适摄食投喂间隔,实验检测了黄条鰤幼鱼[(63.96±5.63) g]胃排空过程中内容物质量、肝脏和肠道中消化酶活性变化,分析了垂体中摄食调控相关基因的表达,比较了线性模型、平方根模型、立方模型3种数学模型对胃排空曲线的拟合程度。结果显示,黄条鰤在摄食后瞬时胃内容物湿重呈阶段性降低,18 h后降为0,属于直线下降型胃排空类型。胃排空过程中,肝脏淀粉酶、脂肪酶和糜蛋白酶活性呈先上升后下降、随后又上升接着下降的“M”型变化趋势,淀粉酶活性在摄食后0~6 h显著上升,脂肪酶和糜蛋白酶活性在0~9 h显著上升。三种酶活性在9~12 h均呈显著下降趋势,在15~18 h显著上升,且在18 h活性达到最高;肠道中的淀粉酶在0~6 h显著上升,随后下降,9~12 h呈上升趋势,12 h活性达到最高,随后逐渐下降,其脂肪酶和糜蛋白酶活性则是在摄食后0~12 h显著上升,12 h活性达到最高,随后逐渐下降。神经肽Y (npy)和食欲素 (ore) mRNA表达水平呈先上升后下降趋势,npy在摄食后12~15 h内表达水平显著上升,ore在9~15 h内表达水平显著上升,npyore二者mRNA表达水平均在摄食后15 h达到最高,随后显著下降。胃内容物残余百分比与胃排空时间、npy mRNA的表达呈显著负相关,npy mRNA的表达水平与胃排空时间呈显著正相关。研究结果将有助于明确黄条鰤最佳摄食间隔,为工厂化养殖模式下黄条鰤投喂提供理论依据。


    The juvenile yellowtail kingfish (Seriola aureovittata) has strong physiological metabolism and the energy during the growth and development stage, and thus its nutrient requirements are significantly different from those of other carnivorous farmed fish. To identify the digestion and gastric emptying characteristics of S. aureovittata, and determine the optimal feeding interval, in the present study, the changes of contents weight, digestive enzyme activity in liver and intestine and pituitary appetite-related genes expression were evaluated during gastric emptying of the juvenile S. aureovittata (63.96±5.63) g. The degree of fitting of the gastric emptying curve was analyzed using a linear model, square root model, and cubic root model. The results showed that the wet weight of the gastric contents gradually decreased after the feeding and reached 0 at 18 hours, which was a type of linear descending gastric emptying. Hepatic amylase, lipase and chymotrypsin activities increased first and then decreased, followed by a rise and then decreased the "M" type of change trend during gastric emptying. Amylase activity increased significantly from 0 to 6 h after feeding (P<0.05), and lipase and chymotrypsin activity increased significantly from 0 to 9 h (P<0.05). The activities of the three enzymes significantly decreased from 9 to 12 h (P<0.05), and then increased from 15 to 18 h (P<0.05), with the highest value observed at 18 h. Intestinal amylase activity showed the similar results like hepatic amylase, whereas increased at 12 h with the highest value, subsequently significantly decreased until 24 h. The intestinal lipase and chymotrypsin activity increased significantly from 0 to 12 h after feeding (P<0.05), the highest value observed at 12 h, and then gradually decreased. The expression of neuropeptide Y (npy) and orexin (ore) mRNA levels were increased from 12 to 15 h and from 9 to 15 h (P<0.05), respectively. The highest values of npy and ore mRNA was that at 15 h, and then significantly decreased until gastric emptying completed (P<0.05). The residual percentage of gastric contents was negatively correlated with gastric emptying time and the expression of npy mRNA (P<0.05), while npy mRNA was positively correlated with gastric emptying time (P<0.05). In conclusion, the digestive enzyme activity in the liver and intestine of juvenile S. aureovittata was decreased to the lowest from 12 to 15 h after feeding. The best model cube root model for fitting the gastric emptying test data of juvenile S. aureovittata showed 80% gastric emptying time (basic recovery of appetite) and 100% gastric emptying time (complete recovery of appetite) were approximately 14.5 and 19 h, respectively. Meanwhile, the mRNA levels of npy and ore in pituitary of juvenile S. aureovittata obtain the highest value at post-feeding 15 h. Therefore, the optimal interval for feeding is recommended to be fed 14.5 h based on the characteristics of gastric emptying, hepatic and intestinal digestive enzyme activities and pituitary appetite-related gene expression. The relevant results not only help to clarify the optimal feeding interval of S. aureovittata, but also provide theoretical basis and technical support for research on its feeding law.



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  • 收稿日期:2020-09-13
  • 最后修改日期:2021-03-19
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-06-18
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