






Effects of LED colors and melatonin treatment on antioxidant enzyme activities and relevant hormone concentrations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Fund Project:

The National Key Research and Development Projects(2017YFE0122100)

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    为探究光色对虹鳟抗氧化酶活性及相关激素含量的影响,对体质量(42.0±1.5) g的虹鳟进行了28 h的持续光照及注射褪黑素处理。实验设置白、红、绿、蓝4种光色,注射和不注射褪黑素两种处理方法,共8个处理组,分别在实验开始后的4、8、12、16、20、24和28 h取样,检测血清SOD和头肾CAT的活性以及血清皮质醇和褪黑素的含量。结果显示:①SOD和CAT活性以及皮质醇含量均呈现先下降后升高再下降后趋于平稳的趋势,在实验16 h处于较高水平,实验24~28 h趋于稳定。②SOD和CAT平均活性以及皮质醇平均含量均为红光下显著高于其他光色下,除CAT平均活性绿光与白光下差异不显著外,SOD活性和皮质醇含量均为绿光下显著低于其他光色下。③注射褪黑素使SOD和CAT活性以及皮质醇含量在28 h持续光照过程中呈下降趋势;相比较未注射处理组,注射褪黑素在各光色下均可显著降低SOD和CAT活性及皮质醇含量,提高褪黑素含量。研究表明,在28 h急性光照射下,虹鳟在16 h受到的胁迫最强烈,实验后期机体逐渐适应光环境;红光对虹鳟氧化胁迫最强烈,绿光对虹鳟基本不产生胁迫;注射褪黑素可缓解光照对虹鳟的胁迫作用。


    At present, marine aquaculture in China and other countries around the world is mainly carried out in shallow coastal waters, which has caused a series of environmental problems and affected the sustainable development of aquaculture. Chinese researchers have been working on salmon mariculture far offshore in the Yellow Sea, and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is one of the popular salmonid. Light color, which can affect the entire life cycle of aquatic species, is an important factor in the management of far offshore cultures. The sunlight irradiated on the water surface enters the water body after refraction, and the incident light will be absorbed and scattered strongly by the water and will attenuate rapidly. Blue light has strong penetrating power in clean sea water. Red light and ultraviolet light attenuate rapidly when passing through clean water. It is important to explore the effects of light color on the antioxidant enzyme activities and related hormone concentrations of O. mykiss, which will provide important information for the practical management of far offshore cultures. O. mykiss were injected with different concentrations of melatonin (0 and 3 mg/mL) and were exposed under four light colors (white, red, green, and blue) for 28 hours. Totally eight treatments were set up i. e. white light group of control, red light group of control, green light group of control, blue light group of control, white light group treated with melatonin, red light group treated with melatonin, green light group treated with melatonin, and blue light group treated with melatonin. O. mykiss (42.0±1.5) g were cultured in twenty-four tanks (PVC, length×height×width: 80 cm×60 cm×50 cm) and all tank sides were covered with opaque covers, light sources were placed above the surface of water. Serum and head kidney tissues of O. mykiss were collected at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 hours of the experiment to detect superoxide dismutase (SOD), cortisol, and melatonin in serum and catalase (CAT) in head kidney. The results showed that the activities of SOD and CAT, and the concentrations of cortisol were higher at 16 hours and were stable from 24 to 28 hours during the study. The average activities of SOD, CAT, and the average concentrations of cortisol in red light groups were significantly higher than the other light groups (P < 0.05). And the average activities of SOD and the average concentrations of cortisol in green light groups were significantly lower than the other light groups. The average activities of CAT in green light groups were significantly lower than the red and blue light groups. The SOD and CAT activities and cortisol concentrations in O. mykiss injected with melatonin showed a down trend during the experiment. Compared with the non-injection melatonin groups, melatonin injection made the activities of SOD and CAT and the concentrations of cortisol decrease significantly and the concentrations of melatonin increase significantly in O. mykiss. This study indicated that in a 28-hour experiment, O. mykiss were strongly stressed by light at 16 hours, and then the fish adapted to the light environment; red light stressed O. mykiss and green light did not produce stress; injection melatonin could release red light pressure for fish. In sum, green light and intraperitoneal melatonin injection could be used in O. mykiss production to relieve the fish oxidative stress response. Red light stresses fish and is unsuitable for fish cultivation. Long-term experiments should be carried out to study the effects of different light colors on the growth, physiological, and biochemical responses of O. mykiss.


赵鑫,李丽,董双林,高勤峰,叶乐. LED光色及注射褪黑素对虹鳟抗氧化酶活性及相关激素含量的影响[J].水产学报,2021,45(1):44~54

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  • 收稿日期:2020-08-20
  • 最后修改日期:2020-09-17
  • 录用日期:2020-11-01
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-01-08
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