






Effect of an obstacle on swimming kinematics in juvenile silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix

Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (51922065, 51679126); The Outstanding Young and MiddleAged Scientific Innovation Team of Hubei Provincial Colleges and Universities (T201703)

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    为了解鱼在复杂水流环境中的运动行为,提升鱼道过鱼效果,实验通过在水槽中放置障碍物,分析不同来流速度(1,3和5 BL/s)(BL/s即体长每秒)下鲢幼鱼顶流静止和顶流前进时的游泳动力学表现,提取的游泳动力学指标有摆尾频率、摆尾幅度、对地游泳速度、游泳加速度和运动步长。结果发现,半流速度1 BL/s下,与自由来流相比,鲢幼鱼在障碍物后方顶流静止时,摆尾频率降低,摆尾幅度增加;顶流前进时,摆尾频率、对地游泳速度、游泳加速度和运动步长降低,摆尾幅度增加。半流速度3 BL/s下,障碍物有助于节省鱼类运动能量的消耗。在有障碍物的水流中,顶流静止时的摆尾频率随流速的增加而增加;顶流前进时,摆尾频率、摆尾幅度和游泳加速度随流速增大而增大,而运动步长随流速增大而减小。位置偏好研究表明,当流速为3 BL/s时,鲢幼鱼明显集中在距离障碍物后方约5~30 cm处游动,停留时间占比达92.5%,可能采用了卡门步态的运动模式;当流速为1和5 BL/s时,鲢幼鱼没有表现出非常明显的位置偏好;在自由来流中,鲢常贴壁游泳,亦没有明显的位置偏好,表明障碍物和流速的结合可为鱼类提供水流藏匿场,研究结果为鱼道设计提供重要参考依据。


    Weirs and dams affect the hydraulics and geomorphology of natural rivers, greatly modifying fish habitat, in some cases, creating barriers that prevent fish swimming upstream. Typical engineering methods to mitigate dam effects on movements of fish include fishway construction and riverbed reconfiguration. Among these measures, it is common to use obstacles to increase bed roughness and create microhabitat that slows flow velocity and helps fish ascend fishways. Obstacles create a complex flow environment in fishway. Understanding swimming behavior in complex flow environment is critical to improving the effectiveness of fishways. A stationary obstacle within a fish passage can be either beneficial or detrimental to fish depending on the direction and magnitude of flow velocity and the ability of the fish to maintain stability. Flow velocity in relation to energy expenditure is critical when considering the effect of obstacles on locomotory behavior. We also discovered how silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) alter their locomotory behavior in response to turbulent flow caused by varying flow velocities around obstacles. Silver carp is an important native commercial species in China. Silver carp tend to inhabit fast-flowing streams with structurally complex flow environments. No quantitative kinematic studies have described the locomotory behavior of silver carp in unsteady flow. In this study, the swimming kinematics of juvenile silver carp holding station and moving forward under obstacle conditions were analyzed at different flow velocities (1, 3 and 5 BL/s) (body length per second). Metrics used to quantify kinematics were tail-beat frequency, tail-beat amplitude, ground swimming speed, swimming acceleration, and ground stride. Compared to free stream swimming at flow velocity of 3 BL/s, silver carp holding station behind the obstacle showed a significant decrease in tail-beat frequency and significant increase in tail-beat amplitude; silver carp moving forward behind the obstacle showed a significant decrease in tail-beat frequency, ground swimming speed, swimming acceleration and ground stride, and significant increase in tail-beat amplitude. This result showed that the obstacle help fish to save energy at 3 BL/s. In the obstacle-placed currents, tail-beat frequency of the holding station behavior increased with flow velocity. Tail-beat frequency, tail-beat amplitude and swim acceleration of moving forward behavior increased with flow velocity, while ground stride decreased with flow velocity. At flow velocity of 3 BL/s, we found that silver carp held a preferential position from 5-30 cm downstream of an obstacle where fish might adopt Karmen gait, and residence time accounted for 92.5%. At flow velocity of 1 BL/s and 5 BL/s, silver carp did not hold an evident preferential position in the flume. Silver carp often swam close to the wall, and there was no obvious position preference. Our results indicate that a certain combination of obstacles and flow velocity will create flow refuge for fish. The results may provide important reference for fishway design.



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  • 收稿日期:2020-08-09
  • 最后修改日期:2020-12-31
  • 录用日期:2021-01-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-08-16
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