本文介绍了水产动物分子标记辅助育种技术的发展。获得与经济性状连锁的标记是开展分子标记辅助育种的基础, 因此, 本文重点介绍了获得基因/标记技术的进步, 探讨了基因/标记与性状间相互关系的复杂性, 论述了准确鉴定性状紧密连锁的基因/标记的难度, 指出难点主要源于基因组对性状的形成具有非常复杂的影响。近十年来, 已有多个利用分子标记辅助育种技术培育的品种在产业上应用, 表明这项新技术具有推动产业技术进步的作用; 同时指出了分子标记辅助育种包括全基因组选择育种的不足之处, 其根本原因在于鱼类性状的形成机制极其复杂、多变, 从而决定了分子标记辅助育种技术具有发展阶段论的特征。
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This paper introduces the development of molecular marker-assisted breeding technology for aquatic species. Detecting markers linked to economic traits is the basis of molecular marker-assisted breeding. Therefore, this article focuses on the advances in genes or markers acquisition technology, explores the complexity of the relationship between genes or markers and traits, discusses the difficulty of accurately identifying genes or markers closely linked to economic traits, and points out that the difficulty is mainly due to the very complex influence of the genome on the formation of traits. In the past ten years, a number of varieties bred by molecular marker-assisted breeding technology have been applied in aquaculture, indicating that this new technology has played a positive role in promoting industrial technological progress. At the same time, the deficiencies of molecular marker-assisted breeding including genome-wide selection are caused by the extremely complicated and variable formation mechanism of fish trait, determining the characteristics of developmental stage theory.