由于经济因素的驱动,我国水产养殖规模和集约化水平在快速扩大和提高,同时,土地、淡水和鱼粉等资源制约日趋明显,氮磷排放、碳足迹、生态足迹在迅速增大,因此,我国水产养殖业需要生态集约化发展。从多维和可持续发展的视角可以推知,内陆大水域未来仅适于发展不投饲的养殖种类或称净水渔业,近岸(10 m以浅、距岸2 km以内或有遮蔽的海域)可发展不投饵的贝、藻养殖和增殖,离岸(距岸2 km以外、水深10~50 m)应增殖、养殖并举,深远海养殖(50 m以深、高海况开放海域和12 n mile以外的专属经济区海域)大有可为,陆基池塘生态集约化改造和陆基循环水养殖的阳光工厂化改造任重道远。
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Driven by economic factor, China's aquaculture expands and intensifies rapidly, meanwhile, the restrictions of land, fresh water and fishmeal to aquaculture development have become increasingly obvious, N and P emission, carbon footprint and ecological footprint of aquaculture systems are increasing significantly. Therefore, development pattern of China's aquaculture needs to be remoulded in a way of ecological intensification. From the multidimensional and sustainable development perspectives,it can be inferred that, large inland waters (lakes and reservoirs) in China are suitable only for aquaculture without feeding; coastal maricultures (sheltered waters or shallow waters, <10 m in depth and <2 km from the coast) are suitable only for extractive species farming; offshore maricultures (10-50 m in depth, >2 km from the coast) can develop various maricultures combined with sea ranching; far offshore mariculture (>50 m in depth, high sea or EEZ) for fish farming with steel frame cages or vessels will have a bright future. There is a long way to go for the ecological intensification of pond aquaculture and for reconstructing recirculating aquaculture systems to industrialized solar aquaculture systems.