





Target strength measurements of tethered live purpleback flying squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) at sea

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    2017年9月在南海北部(18°42.9'N,113°05.5'E)附近的深海海域,利用Simrad EY60型便携式分裂波束科学探鱼仪(120 kHz)和自制的鸢乌贼绳系控制装置对25尾鸢乌贼逐尾进行了单体目标强度(TS/dB)的测量,探讨了鸢乌贼单体目标探测中脉冲长度决定水平(PLDL/dB)、最小标准脉宽(min NPL)、最大标准脉宽(max NPL)和短轴角度最大标准偏差(MIA)等参数的变化对鸢乌贼单体目标强度测量的影响,分析了鸢乌贼单体TS的变化规律,并归纳了鸢乌贼TS与胴长的关系。结果显示,①随着PLDL增大,所探测鸢乌贼单体目标的数量呈先增加后减少的特征,并在PLDL=6 dB时达到峰值,而平均TS则呈单调增加趋势;随着min NPL增大,鸢乌贼单体目标的数量减少,在min NPL<0.7范围内,平均TS呈明显的上升趋势;当max NPL<1.2时,鸢乌贼单体目标的数量随max NPL的增大而增加,但平均TS却随之减小,当1.2<max NPL<1.8时,鸢乌贼单体目标的数量呈缓慢增加趋势,但平均TS 则基本保持稳定;鸢乌贼单体目标数量随MIA的增大而增加,但平均TS则随之减小。②本研究中鸢乌贼单体目标探测参数的优化组合为PLDL=6.00 dB,min NPL=0.7 dB,max NPL=1.8 dB,MIA=0.8°。③活体鸢乌贼单体平均TS的最大值和最小值分别为-48.6 dB和-63.63 dB,其对应鸢乌贼的胴长(ML/cm)分别为25.2 cm和12.4 cm,鸢乌贼TS与其ML的关系为TS=34.22 lg ML–98.23 (N=16,R2=0.603)。本实验首次尝试利用绳系控制法海上现场测量活体鸢乌贼的目标强度,为今后继续深入研究鸢乌贼声学散射特性积累了资料,亦能为其他头足类或鱼类目标强度的海上现场测量提供参考。


    Knowledge of target strength (TS, dB) is essential for accurate assessment of fish abundance using acoustic methods. In order to investigate acoustic scattering characteristics of purpleback flying squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, 25 squid specimens were collected by jig in the open sea in the northern South China Sea in September 2017 near geographical position 18°42.9'N 113°05.5'E. The TS of 25 specimens were measured respectively one by one using Simrad EY60 split-beam scientific echosounder with 120 kHz and self-made tethering-controling device. In this paper, we primarily explored the impact of different parameters on the single target detection for S. oualaniensis, and the parameters included pluse length determination level (PLDL, dB), min normalized pluse length (min NPL), max normalized pluse length (max NPL) and maximum standard deviation of minor-axis angles (MIA). Then we analyzed comprehensively the stochastic nature of single TS which was highly variable, and concluded the mathematical regression relation between TS of S. oualaniensis and mantle length (ML, cm). The results showed: (1) As the PLDL increased, the number of single target of squid detected increased firstly and then decreased, and the number was the largest when PLDL was 6 dB, while the average TS of all single targets increased monotonously. With increase of min NPL, the number of single squid target decreased; in the range of min NPL<0.7, the average TS of all single targets presented increasing obviously. When the max NPL was less than 1.2, the number of single squid target increased as the max NPL increased, but the average TS decreased; when the max NPL fell between 1.2 and 1.8, the number of single squid target presented increasing slowly, but the average TS remained relatively stable. As the MIA increased, the number of single squid target increased, but the average TS decreased; (2) In this study, the optimum parameters settings of single target detection were as follows: PLDL=6.00 dB, Min NPL=0.7 dB, Max NPL=1.8, MIA=0.8°; (3) The maximum and minimum values of the average single TS of live Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis specimens were respectively −48.6 dB and −63.63 dB, and the corresponding mantle length of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis were respectively 25.2 cm and 12.4 cm. The mathematical regression relation between TS of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and mantle length (ML) was concluded as follows: TS=34.22 lg (ML)−98.23 (N=16, R2=0.603). This TS measurement was the first attempt to investigate the acoustic scattering characteristic and TS of live S. oualaniensis using tethering controlling method at sea by field work. The results of this paper not only accumulated important information and experience for further investigating the acoustic scattering characteristics and improving the acoustic estimation precision of S. oualaniensis, also provided the reference for measuring TS of other squids or fishes by tethering method at sea.



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  • 收稿日期:2018-06-10
  • 最后修改日期:2018-10-12
  • 录用日期:2018-10-24
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-12-20
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