





Effects of tea polyphenols on growth, antioxidant capacity and lipid metabolism related genes expression of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

Fund Project:

China Agriculture Research System (CARS-50-G08); AoShan Talents Program (2015ASTP)

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    为了研究饲料中添加茶多酚对大菱鲆生长、抗氧化能力及脂肪代谢相关基因表达的影响,以初始体质量为(13.51+0.31) g的大菱鲆幼鱼为实验对象,设计4组添加不同梯度茶多酚(0%、0.01%、0.02%和0.05%,干重添加量分别为0、100、200和500 mg/kg)的等氮等脂实验饲料,进行为期70 d的摄食生长实验。结果显示:①与对照组相比,饲料中添加0.01%~0.02%茶多酚显著提高了大菱鲆幼鱼增重率(WGR);饲料效率(FE)随饲料中茶多酚添加水平升高而升高,但各组间差异不显著;随饲料中茶多酚添加水平升高,大菱鲆肝体比(HSI)呈降低趋势,且显著低于对照组;②鱼体组成分析表明,投喂添加茶多酚饲料组大菱鲆鱼体和肝脏粗脂肪含量呈下降趋势,且在茶多酚添加水平为0.02%~0.05%时达到最低值,显著低于对照组;③与对照组相比,投喂添加茶多酚饲料组大菱鲆血清总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性显著升高,且各添加组间差异不显著;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性随茶多酚的添加水平升高呈先升高后降低趋势,且在添加水平为0.02%时显著高于对照组; 血清丙二醛(MDA)含量随茶多酚添加水平升高而降低,且在添加水平为0.02%~0.05%时显著低于对照组;④大菱鲆肝脏固醇调节元件结合蛋白 1(SREBP-1)表达量随着饲料中茶多酚添加水平升高而降低,且在添加水平为0.02%~0.05%时达到最低值,显著低于对照组;脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)表达量随茶多酚添加水平的升高呈先降低后升高趋势,且在添加水平为0.02%时显著低于对照组;过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体α(PPAR α)表达量变化趋势与FAS相反,且在添加水平为0.02%时达到最高值。肉毒碱棕榈酰转移酶1(CPT1)表达量随饲料中茶多酚添加水平升高而升高,显著高于对照组,且各添加组间差异不显著。研究表明,高脂饲料中添加茶多酚能促进大菱鲆生长、降低肝脏脂肪过度沉积并提高血清抗氧化能力,高脂饲料中添加0.02%茶多酚是大菱鲆幼鱼生长的最适添加量。


    In aquaculture, high fat diets are widely used for its protein sparing effect which can improve protein utilization efficiency, promote growth and protect environment pollution. Hoevever, it can also lead to excessive lipid deposition of liver and lower disease resistance. In order to solve this problem, additives should be explored. Tea polyphenols are natural plant extracts which have been proved to have the effects of of promoting growth, lipid reduction and immunity improving in many animals. Therefore, the purpose of the experiment is to investigate the effects of dietary tea polyphenols (TP) level on growth, antioxidant capacity and lipid metabolism of turbot. Four diets with graded levels of TP (0.00%, 0.01%, 0.02% and 0.05%. dry weight 0, 100, 200 and 500 mg/kg) was formulated in this experiment. Fish were cultured in indoor aquaculture system, and each diet was randomly assigned to three replicate groups of juvenile fish [initial average weight of (13.51+0.31) g] and fed twice daily (8:00, 18:00).The feeding trial lasted 70 d. The results showed as follows: ① Compared with the control group, fish fed the diet with 0.01%–0.02% TP had significantly higher weight gain rate (WGR). Feed efficiency (FE) was increased with the increasing TP level and no significant differences were detected among dietary treatments. Compared with the control group, Hepato-somatic index (HSI) was significantly increased by the supplement with TP. ② The lipid contents of whole fish and liver were decreased with increasing TP level and significantly lower in 0.02%–0.05% group compared with the control group. ③ Compared with the control group, the activities of total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were significantly higher in fish fed the diet with TP, and no significant differences were detected among fish fed diets with TP. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) first increased and then decreased with the increasing TP level, and 0.02% supplement level was the highest. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was decreased with increasing TP level, and significantly higher in 0.02% group compared with the control group. ④ The expression of sterol regulatory element binding protein 1(SREBP-1) was decreased with increasing TP level and significantly higher in 0.02%–0.05% groups compared with the control group. The expression of fatty acid synthetase (FAS) was first decreased and then increased with increasing TP level and significantly lower in 0.02% group compared with the control group. The expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPAR α) first increased and then decreased with increasing TP level and significantly higher in 0.02% group compared with the control group. The expression of carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1(CPT 1) increased with increasing TP level and significantly higher compared with the control group. This research indicated that high fat diets supplemented with TP could promote growth, reduce liver fat deposition, and increase antioxidant activity. The optimum supplemental level of TP in diets for turbot is approximatly 0.02%.



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  • 收稿日期:2018-03-13
  • 最后修改日期:2018-04-04
  • 录用日期:2018-04-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-10-30
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