






凡纳滨对虾品种创新与健康种苗繁育产业化工程项目(2017-2020);海洋公益性行业科研专项(201205019-3);“十三五”厦门市海洋经济创新发展示范项目(16 PFW034 SF02);2017年福建省海洋与渔业结构调整专项(2017 HYJG02)

Effects of different carbon sources on the biofloc formation, nutritional ingredients and bacterial community and water quality in Litopenaeus vannamei culture tank

1.Key Laboratory of Cultivation and High-value Utilization of Marine Organisms in Fujian Province,Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian;2.Xiamen Xiaxinglong Seed Production Co,Ltd

Fund Project:

Aquatic seed innovation and industrialization project of Fujian(2017);Special funds for research on marine public welfare industry(201205019-3);Marine economic innovation and development of demonstration projects of Xiamen in the 13th Five-Year(16PFW034SF02)

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    为研究凡纳滨对虾育苗标粗阶段生物絮团形成所需要的适合碳源,设计3种不同碳源添加组(葡萄糖组、淀粉组和蔗糖组),每个处理组设置3个重复,实验期20 d,以分析不同碳源添加后对水体生物絮团的形成、营养成分、细菌群落结构及水质指标的影响。结果显示,在碳源添加量均为投喂量的80%时,形成的生物絮团可有效调节水质,降低水体中的氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮水平。3个碳源添加组水样中氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮浓度显著低于对照组,淀粉组水样中氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮浓度显著高于葡萄糖组和蔗糖组;最终对虾存活率统计结果显示,葡萄糖组、淀粉组、蔗糖组和对照组分别为72.9%、54.2%、69.8%和44.3%;淀粉组的生物絮团沉降体积(BFV)显著低于葡萄糖组,蔗糖组BFV最高,在13~15 d后3组均趋于稳定;葡萄糖组和蔗糖组的粗蛋白含量均显著高于淀粉组,葡萄糖组和蔗糖组则差异不显著;葡萄糖组和蔗糖组生物絮团中组氨酸、精氨酸、蛋氨酸等必需氨基酸和天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丙氨酸等非必需氨基酸含量都显著高于淀粉组;葡萄糖组、淀粉组和蔗糖组的必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)值分别为0.93、0.89和0.92。3种类型生物絮团在门级水平的细菌群落共有18余种,其中变形菌门和拟杆菌门在各组占有比例均最高,淀粉组拟杆菌门含量显著高于其他2组,蔗糖组浮霉菌门和放线菌门含量显著高于葡萄糖组和淀粉组。研究表明,添加不同碳源可影响水体生物絮团的形成、营养成分、细菌群落结构和多样性,不同程度地改善水质。以必须氨基酸指数及存活率为评价指标,则葡萄糖和蔗糖都是凡纳滨对虾育苗标粗水体中适宜的碳源选择。


    In order to study the suitable carbon source required by the biofloc formation in Litopenaeus vannamei culture tank, 3 groups added with 3 carbon sources (glucose group, starch group and sucrose group) were designed. Each treatment group set up 3 replicates. The culture period was 20 d. The experiment analyzed influences of adding different carbon sources on biofloc formation, nutritional ingredients, microflora and water quality indexes. The findings showed that when carbon additive amount was 80% of feeding, the biofloc formation could effectively regulate water quality and reduce ammonia nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen level in water body. The concentrations of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in three carbon sources addition groups were significantly lower than those of control group. The ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in the starch group were significantly higher than those of the glucose group and sucrose group. The survival rates of the glucose group, starch group, sucrose group and control group were 72.9%, 54.2%, 69.8% and 44.3% respectively. The biofloc settling volume (BFV) in the starch group was significantly lower than the glucose group, while BFV in the sucrose group was the highest. After 13−15 d, three groups tended to be stable. Crude protein contents in glucose group and sucrose group were significantly higher than that of the starch group. There was no significant difference in the glucose group and sucrose group. The essential amino acids-histidine, arginine, methionine and the nonessential amino acids-aspartate, glusate, alanine in the starch group was lower than the glucose group and sucrose group. The essential amino acid index (EAAI) in the glucose group, starch group and sucrose group was calculated at 0.93, 0.89 and 0.92, respectively. The high-throughput sequencing results showed that there were more than 18 species of bacterial community at the phylum level. Proteobacteria and Bacterioidetes in three types of Biofloc had the highest ratio. In the starch group, Bacteriodetes content was significantly higher than other groups, while Planctomycetes and Actinobacteria contents in the sucrose group were obviously higher than the glucose group and starch group. Therefore, different additions of carbon sources in the L. vannamei culture tank affected the biofloc formation, nutritional ingredients, microbial community structure and diversities and improved water quality in different degrees. With the EAAI as the evaluation index, glucose and sucrose can be used as the suitable carbon source choices for L. vannamei culture pond.



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  • 收稿日期:2017-12-19
  • 最后修改日期:2018-03-29
  • 录用日期:2018-04-11
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-03-15
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