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Molecular characterization and expression analysis of Cathepsin L1-like from Hyriopsis schlegelii

School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University

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    为了解淡水贝类是否存在组织蛋白酶L的亚型及其亚型的免疫相关作用,本实验利用已构建的池蝶蚌血细胞全长cDNA文库,筛选获得与之同源的EST序列,结合RACE技术进一步克隆了池蝶蚌一个新的组织蛋白酶L基因的cDNA全长,命名为HsCtsL1-like基因(GenBank登录号为KF015273)。该序列全长为1280 bp,5'-非翻译区(5'UTR)为31 bp,3'-非翻译区(3'UTR)为256 bp,开放阅读框区(ORF)为993 bp,编码330个氨基酸,预测蛋白相对分子量为36.86 ku,理论等电点为6.23。序列分析结果显示,HsCtsL1-like与其他软体动物相对应序列具有共同结构特征,包含信号肽、前肽抑制域和成熟肽三部分,在其他物种中已鉴定的CtsL签名序列标签(ERF/WNIN、GNFD、GCXGG和QCHN等)在HsCtsL1-like中均可找到。其氨基酸序列同缢蛏CtsL1(AGL33704.1)同源性最高,达67%;与报道的三角帆蚌CtsL(ADV03094)和池蝶蚌中另一个CtsL(AEX88474)仅均为52.91%;系统进化分析表明,HsCtsL1-like与缢蛏、长牡蛎和合浦珠母贝的CtsL1聚为一分支,推测HsCtsL1-like属于CtsL家族中的亚型1。实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测显示,HsCtsL1-like mRNA在肝脏中表达量最高,其次是卵巢和精巢。注射鳗弧菌后,血细胞和肝脏HsCtsL1-like mRNA转录水平显著升高,暗示其是一个免疫有关的基因,参与了池蝶蚌的先天免疫应答反应。


    In order to study the role of another Cathepsin L (CtsL) isoform from Hyriopsis schlegelii in immune responses, we isolated and characterized a novel CtsL gene from the freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis schlegelii using cDNA library screening and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), and it was named HsCtsL1-like (GenBank accession No. KF015273). The HsCtsL1-like cDNA was 1280 bp long, and consisted of a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 31 bp, a 3'-UTR of 256 bp with a polyadenylation signals (AATAAA) at 11 nucleotides upstream of the poly(A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 993 bp encoding a polypeptide of 330 amino acids with 36.86 ku predicted molecular weight. The theoretical isoelectric point was 6.23. Sequence analysis showed that the putative HsCtsL1-like protein sequence sharing similar structural features with other reported CtsLs containing a typical signal peptide sequence with 16 amino acids (Met1~Ser16), a propeptide inhibitor domain(Try25~Phe84) and a mature domain(Leu114~Val330). And some signature sequence tags were identified for CtsL family proteins in other species including the oxyanion hole (Gln), the active triad formed by Cys, His and Asn, and the conserved ERF/WNIN, GNFD, GCXGG and OCHN motifs can all be found in the HsCtsL1-like protein sequence. Moreover, homology analysis revealed that HsCtsL1-like shared the highest identity (67%) with CtsL1 (AGL33704.1) from the razor clam, Sinonovacula constricta, while the similarities of HsCtsL1-like with the reported Hyriopsis cumingii (ADV03094) and H. schlegelii CtsL (AEX88474) were both 52.91%. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the HsCtsL1-like clustered with the invertebrate CtsL cysteine proteases and was also closely related to S. constricta, Crassostrea gigas and Pinctada fucata CtsL1. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) showed that HsCtsL1-like is expressed in a wide range of tissues including the liver, gills, foot, heart, ovary, testis, kidney, blood, intestines and mantle, with the highest level of transcripts in liver, followed by ovary, testis, intestines and blood, while there is rare expression in other tissues. After Vibrio anguillarum stimulation, the expression level of HsCtsL1-like mRNA was significantly up-regulated at 2 h and 8 h in liver and blood. These results suggested that HsCtsL1-like belongs to subtype 1 of the CtsL subfamily, and it might play an important role in the freshwater mussel, H. schlegelii immune response.



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  • 收稿日期:2015-05-20
  • 最后修改日期:2016-05-17
  • 录用日期:2016-08-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-10-21
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