Abstract:The aims of present study were to investigate the effects of feeding habits on preferred water velocity behavior of the cyprinidae fish,six species of cyprinidae fish that have different feed preferences were used as the research subject.To achieve our goals,six cyprinids include silver carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead(Aristichthys nobilis) that are the filter-feeding fish,grass carp(Ctenopharynodon idella) and qingbo(Spinibarbus sinensis) that are the vegetarian,and the crucian carp(Carassius auratus) and goldfish(C.auratus) that are the omnivorous fish.Firstly,each of six fish species were videoed individually(N=12 for each species) in a self-made preferred water velocity determining device,i.e.,a 1.5 meters long conical raceway with water speed gradually increasing from 11.86 to 65.45 cm/s at(25±1.0)℃.The videos were then analyzed by Ethovision XT19 and the percent time stayed(Pt),frequency(F) and the average duration of each fish stayed(T) in each water velocity interval were all calculated.Our results showed that(1) the preferred water velocity behavior of the six fish species are presented into two kinds of trends.If an individual of a given species stayed mainly in the lowest water velocity interval(Pt>50%),the fish individual is considered Type Ⅰ.Otherwise,the fish is considered Type Ⅱ.At the same time,the experimental results indicated that feeding habit has a significant effect on the water velocity preference behavior of the experimental fish.Compared to the Type I of omnivorous habit fish including the crucian carp and goldfish and herbivorous fishes including grass carp and qingbo,the Type Ⅰ of filter-feeding fish including the silver carps and bighead showed more significant preference of the lowest water velocity interval.The Type Ⅱ of filter-feeding fish preferred stay in higher water velocity than the omnivorous habit fish.However,the Type Ⅱ of herbivorous fishes including the grass carp and qingbo showed no preference to the water velocity intervals,but it had higher F values in middle water velocity intervals.The present study suggested there is a sharp variation in the water velocity preference behavior of six experimental fish species.This water velocity preference behavior for each species could be divided into Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ.In addition,feeding habit has a significant effect on the water velocity preference behavior of the experimental fish.