






Acoustic survey of the fisheries resources in the main channel of Xiaolangdi Reservoir in the Yellow River

Dalian Ocean University,College of Marine Sci-Tech and Environment,Dalian Ocean University,College of Marine Sci-Tech and Environment,Dalian Ocean University,College of Marine Sci-Tech and Environment,Dalian Ocean University,Fisheries Science Research Institute of Henan Province,Fisheries Science Research Institute of Henan Province

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    2013年11月25日和2014年5月22日,使用分裂式波束科学鱼探仪(Simrad EY60,70 kHz,挪威)对黄河小浪底水库库尾大坝至黄河三峡段主河道的渔业资源进行了2次声学调查。通过对鱼类目标强度的现场测量,使用回波积分方法对库区内不同区域鱼类资源平均密度、资源量和空间分布进行了探查和评估。结果表明,2013年11月和2014年5月库区内调查水域声学积分值(nautical area scattering coefficient,NASC)分别为29.38 m2/nm2和49.77 m2/nm2,对应的鱼类资源平均密度分别为0.016 尾/m2和0.290 尾/m2,资源量分别为41.56 t和606.70 t。库区调查区域鱼类密度的空间水平分布,在大坝附近、主河道中游、上游以及黄河三峡2013年11月分别为0.016、0.023、0.024和0.009 尾/m2,2014年5月分别为0.848、0.248、0.077和0.083 尾/m2。2013年11月鱼类资源主要集中于主河道中上游水域,而2014年5月则主要集中于主河道中下游水域。鱼类的垂直分布显示了层状分布特征,黄河三峡段鱼类主要分布于10~20 m水层,其他主河道区域则主要分布在表层以及20~30 m水层。2013年11月和2014年5月鱼类目标强度分别以-59.5 dB和-56.5~-53.5 dB所占比例最高,体长较小且经过半年体长有所增加。研究表明,声学方法适用于黄河小浪底水库渔业资源调查。


    The Xiaolangdi reservoir is a key water-control project located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in Henan Province,China.Since 2002,the water and sediment regulation operations have been conducted in this area during June or July every year.In autumn,juvenile fish is artificially released into the reservoir to prevent the fishery resources from decreasing as a result of the project.In order to know the influence of this project on the fishery resources,acoustic investigations on fishery resources were conducted in the main channel areas from the dam to the Yellow River Three Gorges in the Xiaolangdi reservoir.A split-beam scientific echo sounder (Simrad EY60,70 kHz,Norway) was used on November 25,2013 (after the water and sediment regulation) and May 22,2014 (before water and sediment regulation),respectively.The average density of fishery resources,the population size and the spatial distribution in different areas of reservoir were surveyed and estimated according to the survey on fish target strength in situ and the use of echo integration methods.As a result,the acoustic integral value:Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient (NASC) in the reservoir were 29.38 m2/nm2 and 49.77 m2/nm2 in November 2013 and May 2014,respectively,also the average density of fishery resources were 0.016 ind/m2 and 0.290 ind/m2, and the population size were 41.56 t and 606.70 t,respectively.For the horizontal distributions of fishery resources in the different investigated areas,the average density of fishery resources in the areas are as follows:areas close to the dam saw a horizontal distribution of 0.016 ind/m2; the middle reaches of the river with 0.023 ind/m2; the upper reaches with 0.024 ind/m2; and Three Gorges area with 0.009 ind/m2 in November 2013.In May 2014,the horizontal distributions of fishery resources for the same locations were 0.848 ind/m2,0.248 ind/m2,0.077 ind/m2,0.083 ind/m2,respectively.The NASC in the corresponding areas were 5.61 m2/nm2,4.60 m2/nm2,5.52 m2/nm2,6.47 m2/nm2 in November 2013; and 94.09 m2/nm2,53.18 m2/nm2,28.27 m2/nm2,29.38 m2/nm2 in May 2014 for the respective area segments.The fishery resources were distributed mainly in the upper and middle reaches of the reservoir in November 2013,and in the lower and middle reaches in May 2014.Fish in the reservoir showed the characteristics of layered vertical distribution.In the area of the Yellow River Three Gorges,fish is mainly distributed in the 10 m to 20 m water layer.In the main channel area,fish is mainly distributed in the surface water layer and the 20 m to 30 m layer.The fish target strength (in situ) had respectively highest proportions of -59.5 dB in November 2013,and -56.5 dB to -53.5 dB in May 2014.This shows that the fish size was relatively small and the body length increased six months later.These results support the idea that the fishery acoustic survey is an effective method for the fishery resources assessment in the Xiaolangdi reservoir.



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  • 收稿日期:2015-03-22
  • 最后修改日期:2015-06-03
  • 录用日期:2015-07-24
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-08-26
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