Abstract:Model tests of two types of Acete chinensis stow nets,single anchor and single anchor beam,were conducted in this study.The effects of drag and expansion devices on these two stow nets showed that(1) the top/bottom or two sides of the mouth in Northern maoxia shrimp(Acete chinensis) stow nets adopted catenary cuts and assemblies,which was superior to plane assembly in stow net shape.(2) In the single anchor Acete chinensis stow nets,the top and bottom of the mouth adopted catenary cuts and assemblies; the horizontal expansion was increased from 15% to 30% and the height of net mouth was also increased when towing speed increased gradually in the range of 0.13-0.78 m/s.Under the same towing speed,the height of net mouth with catenary cuts and assemblies was greater than that of plane cuts and assemblies.In contrast with plane cuts and assemblies,the two sides of the single anchor beam stow nets adopted catenary cuts and assemblies; the height of net mouth was decreased slowly with the towing speed increasing,and in contrast with plane cuts and assemblies,it was increased by-5.6%-43.4% under the same towing speed in the range of 0.13-0.78 m/s.(3)The stow nets with the same main dimensions,same towing speeds and similar structures,which adopted catenary cuts and assemblies on top/bottom or two sides of the net mouth,were compared with the ones with plane assemblies; the result showed that the drag of net was increased gently when the towing speed increased from 0.13 m/s to 0.78 m/s.The stow nets with similar main dimensions and same towing speeds,which adopted canvas device expansion,were compared with the ones that adopted beam expansion; it presented the result that when the towing speed of 0.13-0.78 m/s increased,drag of net was increased significantly.(4)Single anchor Northern maoxia shrimp stow net model adopted catenary cuts and assemblies on top/bottom or two sides of the net mouth,while single anchor beam model,on two sides of the net mouth.Comparing incident flow area of the two models,it was shown that,at a towing speed rate of 0.13 m/s,there are 3.1% differences of incident flow area between the two,and at the towing speed rate of 0.78 m/s,the former is more than 3 times of the latter.