
中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 青岛,中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 青岛,中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 青岛,长岛爱华海藻食品有限公司 烟台






Effects of five culture media on the growth and development of the filaments of Scytosiphon lomentaria

Collage of Marine Life Sciences,Ocean University of China,Qingdao,Collage of Marine Life Sciences,Ocean University of China,Qingdao,;Changdao Aihua Seaweed Foodstuff Co,Ltd,Yantai,Collage of Marine Life Sciences,Ocean University of China,Qingdao,Collage of Marine Life Sciences,Ocean University of China,Qingdao,Changdao Aihua Seaweed Foodstuff Co,Ltd,Yantai

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    以实验室保存的萱藻丝状体为材料,采用实验生态学方法,探讨了L1、PES、F1、f/2以及ESNW 5种培养液对萱藻丝状体生长发育的影响,并以去除氮或磷成分的L1培养液为基础,研究了不同外加浓度氮和磷对萱藻丝状体生长发育的影响。结果显示:(1)5种培养液中,L1培养液最有利于萱藻丝状体的生长发育,经L1培养液培养的萱藻丝状体呈深褐色,细胞质充盈,培养28 d后,丝状体生物量增重倍比可达(560.48%±0.73%),孢子囊枝比例高达(46.88%±0.41%),孢子囊直径为(18.95±0.89)μm;(2)萱藻丝状体生长发育最适添加NO3--N浓度为6.00 mg/L,在此NO3--N浓度条件下,萱藻丝状体生长速度最快,丝状体呈深褐色,培养20 d后,孢子囊枝比例高达(46.78%±0.14%),孢子囊直径可达(18.78±2.45)μm。在添加NO3--N浓度为0 mg/L和高氮(96.00、192.00 mg/L)条件下,萱藻丝状体生长速度均相对较慢,丝状体色素淡,培养20 d后,孢子囊枝比例分别仅为(0%±0%)、(9.06%±0.32%)和(7.65%±0.45%),孢子囊直径仅9.00~10.00 μm;(3)萱藻丝状体生长发育的最适外加PO43--P浓度为1.32 mg/L,在此PO43--P浓度条件下,萱藻丝状体生长速度最快且丝状体呈深褐色,培养20 d后,孢子囊枝比例高达(47.12%±0.26%),孢子囊直径可达(18.89±0.98)μm。外加PO43--P为0 mg/L时,萱藻丝状体色素淡,培养20 d后,孢子囊枝比例仅为(10.12%±0.27%),孢子囊直径仅有(9.78±1.32)μm。外加PO43--P高于15.84 mg/L时,丝状体出现"不良"生长状况——变绿、细胞解体、附着解体的丝状体碎屑且没有孢子囊枝的形成。研究证明,在萱藻丝状体的生长发育过程中,应选择一种合适的培养液以及适时地控制硝酸盐与磷酸盐的浓度,使其维持在一定范围内,从而促进萱藻丝状体的快速生长,提高其孢子囊枝比例、增大孢子囊直径。


    The filaments of Scytosiphon lomentaria preserved in our laboratory were used as the experimental material, and the effects of five culture media L1, PES, F1, f/2 and ESNW on the growth and development of filaments of S.lomentaria were studied, meanwhile, the effects of the different concentrations of nitrate and phosphate based on NO3--N and PO43--P free of L1 culture medium on the growth and development of filaments of S.lomentaria were also studied by the experimental ecology methods in this paper.Results showed as follows:(1)L1 was the optimal culture medium for the growth and development of filaments of S.lomentaria in the five culture media.The filaments of S.lomentaria were dark brown and the cytoplasm was plentiful cultured in L1 medium, the increasing ratio of filament biomass was(560.48%±0.73%), the sporangial branchlets ratio and the sporangium diameter could reach up to(46.88%±0.41%)and(18.95±0.89)μm, respectively, after being cultured for 28 days in L1 culture medium;(2)The optimal concentration of NO3--N for the growth and development of filaments of S.lomentaria was 6.00 mg/L.Under this concentration, the filaments could grow rapidly and the filaments of S.lomentaria were dark brown, moreover the sporangial branchlets ratio could achieve(46.78%±0.14%)and the sporangium diameter could increase to(18.78±2.45)μm after being cultured for 20 days.Whereas, the filaments grew slowly and pigment of the filaments of S.lomentaria was light with the addition of NO3--N at the concentrations of 0, 96.00 and 192.00 mg/L, the sporangial branchlets ratio were(0%±0%), (9.06%±0.32%)and(7.65%±0.45%), respectively, and the sporangium diameter were only about 9.00-10.00 μm after being cultured for 20 days;(3)The optimal addition concentration of PO43--P for the growth and development of filaments of S.lomentaria was 1.32 mg/L.Under the concentration, the filaments could grow rapidly, moreover, the filaments of S.lomentaria were dark brown, the sporangial branchlets ratio could achieve(47.12%±0.26%), the sporangium diameter was 18.89 μm after being cultured for 20 days.However, the sporangial branchlets ratio was only(18.89±0.98)μm and the sporangium diameter was just(9.78±1.32)μm after being cultured for 20 days with the addition of PO43--P at 0 mg/L, and the filaments of S.lomentaria were turned virescent, the cells were cytoclasis and there was no formation of the sporangial branchlets with the addition of PO43--P exceeding 15.84 mg/L.The results mentioned above revealed that it was good for the filaments of S.lomentaria to grow rapidly, enhance the sporangial branchlets ratio and magnify sporangium diameter based on selecting a suitable culture medium and controlling the concentration of nitrate and phosphate within limits in the stage of growth and development of filaments of S.lomentaria.



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  • 收稿日期:2014-10-17
  • 最后修改日期:2014-11-25
  • 录用日期:2014-12-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-02-09
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