






Molecular cloning and characterization of carbonic anhydrase(CA)genes from Myrmecia incisa Reisigl H4301

College of Aqua-life Sciences and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Aqua-life Sciences and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Aqua-life Sciences and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University

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    从缺刻缘绿藻的转录组数据库中搜索到5条编码该藻碳酸酐酶(carbonic anhydrase,CA)的contig序列,据此序列设计基因特异性引物,利用cDNA末端快速扩增(rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)技术,克隆得到cDNA全长序列,分别命名为MiαCA1、MiαCA2、MiβCA1、MiβCA2和CCA,开放阅读框(ORF)长分别为963、1 089、1 041、738和687 bp,相应编码由320、362、346、245和228个氨基酸组成的蛋白。这些蛋白均富含疏水性氨基酸,分别占氨基酸总量的41.25%、45.31%、43.35%、42.45%和43.42%。基于缺刻缘绿藻和其他物种CA的蛋白序列所构建的Neighbor-Joining系统演化树显示,这些CA很明显地被聚类成α-、β-和γ-CA等3支。缺刻缘绿藻的2个α-CA都存在与Zn2+结合的3个His残基,2个β-CA也具有与Zn2+结合的2个Cys残基和1个His残基,但MiγCA中的Zn2+结合位点分别为Arg、His和Asn,不同于报道中的3个His。MiαCA1与莱茵衣藻的CAH3亲缘关系较近,因具有2个信号肽,它可能位于叶绿体的类囊体腔中并发挥作用。MiαCA2与莱茵衣藻的CAH1亲缘关系较近,因具有1个信号肽,可能在细胞的周质空间起着与CAH1类似的功能。MiβCA1和MiβCA2与莱茵衣藻的CAH7和CAH8亲缘关系更近,可能在细胞质中参与CO2和HCO3-之间的转化。MiγCA则与高等植物的γ-CA聚在一起,可能位于线粒体内发挥作用。由此推测,自缺刻缘绿藻所克隆的5个CA基因应在细胞的不同部位协同作用,通过参与CO2和HCO3-之间的转化以调节pH并实现CO2在细胞内转运的目的。


    Based upon five contigs coding for carbonic anhydrase(CA)from a pyrosequencing transcriptome of Myrmecia incisa, gene-specific primers were designed for CA gene cloning from this green microalga. Five CA genes, named MiαCA1, MiαCA2, MiβCA1, MiβCA2 and MiγCA were cloned by using the technique of rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The open reading frames of the cloned full-length cDNAs were 963 bp, 1 089 bp, 1 041 bp, 738 bp and 687 bp in length, encoding putative proteins composed of 320, 362, 346, 245 and 228 amino acids, respectively. The encoded CA proteins were rich in hydrophobic amino acids which accounted for 41. 25%, 45. 31%, 43. 35%, 42. 45% and 43. 42% of total amino acids, respectively. Neighbor-joining(NJ)phylogenetic tree inferred from the putative proteins of CA genes indicated that these cloned CA genes were divided into three clades: MiαCA1 and MiαCA2 in α-CA clade, MiβCA1 and MiβCA2 in β-CA one and MiγCA in γ-CA one. MiαCA1 and MiαCA2 are characterized by 3 conserved His residues, MiβCA1 and MiβCA2 are by 2 conserved Cys and 1 conserved His residues whereas MiγCA is found to use Arg, His and Asn instead of the reported 3 residues of His to bind Zn2+ to form their catalysis centre. MiαCA1, clustered with CAH3 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in the NJ phylogenetic tree, had a two-part leader sequence, suggesting that it might be localized and associated with PSII in the thylakoid lumen like CAH3. MiαCA2, close to CAH1 after protein alignment, had a signal peptide which could lead the mature MiαCA2 to the periplasmic space resembling CAH1 in C. reinhardtii. It was predicted that this CA could function as CAH1 to transfer HCO3- into CO2 for photosynthesis. Two β-CAs, MiβCA1 and MiβCA2, were clustered with CAH7 and CAH 8 from C. reinhardtii, which might be involved in interconversion between HCO3- and CO2 in the cytoplasm of M. incisa. MiγCA, grouped with γ-CA from higher plants, was expected to be associated with the complex I of mitochondrial electron transport chain to work. The 5 cloned CA genes from M. incisa should be localized at various regions of the algal cells to cooperate with each other for the reversible interconversion of CO2 and HCO3- so as to modify pH and transfer CO2 among the organelles.



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  • 收稿日期:2014-10-08
  • 最后修改日期:2015-02-12
  • 录用日期:2015-03-31
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-05-14
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