






Effects of environmental factors and fishing gear on catch rates of silky shark(Carcharhinus falciformis)in waters near Gilbert Islands

College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University; National Distant-water Fishieries Engineering Research Center;The Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Education,,,

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    为了减少延绳钓渔业中镰状真鲨的误捕率,本研究利用2009年10月—12月和2010年11月—2011年1月在吉尔伯特群岛海域作业的延绳钓渔业调查数据:钓钩深度数据,温度、盐度、溶解氧浓度和叶绿素浓度垂直剖面数据,作业参数,渔获统计数据等,采用逐步回归的方法建立钓钩预测深度计算模型,利用Wilcoxon检验对2种钓具和2种钓钩钩型之间镰状真鲨误捕率进行显著性检验,利用统计和聚类分析的方法分析镰状真鲨的捕获环境.结果显示,(1)实验钓具和18/0圆型钓钩可显著降低镰状真鲨的误捕率;(2)镰状真鲨误捕率最高的深度、温度、盐度、叶绿素、溶解氧范围分别为40.0~79.9 m,24.0~24.9 ℃、29.0~29.9 ℃,35.40~35.99,0.120~0.199 μg/L和4.50~4.99 mg/L.研究建议,(1)在生产中增加18/0圆型钓钩和80 m以深的钓钩投放量;(2)减少镰状真鲨误捕率最高的深度、温度、盐度、叶绿素和溶解氧范围内的钓钩数量.


    At present,many scientists pay more attention to the incidental catch of top predator of food chain in longline fisheries,such as sharks,sea turtles and sea birds.Given the long life span and relatively low reproductive capacity of many shark species,reducing the incidental catch of sharks during commercial fishing operations is thus critical in the conservation of shark species.In 1999,FAO promulgated the International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks.In order to protect the marine environment and conserve the shark species,many countries and regions declared a law prohibiting commercial shark fishing in its national waters.Shark's habitat environment is complex with respect to both spatial and temporal variations.Mechanisms of their migration are not fully understood even though many studies suggested that they might be related to the behavior and dynamics of zooplankton.The effective fishing gears and methods to mitigate the incidental catch rate of Carcharhinus falciformis and the effects of 16/0 and 18/0 circle hooks to the incidental catch rate of C.falciformis should be studied further.Based on these studies,the robust results could be obtained and could be used to reduce the incidental catch rate of C.falciformis effectively.On the other hand,there were many studies about the biological characteristics of C.falciformis,but the studies about the impacts of marine environment on the incidental catch rate of C.falciformis were rare.The aim of this study is to reduce the incidental catch rate of C.falciformis in longline fisheries.In this study,the mean nominal catch rates of C.falciformis and environmental variables were obtained from two longlining surveys in waters near Gilbert Islands from 4 October 2009 through 25 December 2009 and from 20 November 2010 through 20 January 2011.Data included:hook depth data,temperature,salinity,dissolved oxygen concentration and chlorophyll concentration vertical profile data,operating parameters,catch statistics.Stepwise regression was used to develop the hook depth calculation model.Wilcoxon-test was used to test if there were significant differences among C.falciformis incidental catch rates of four kinds of fishing gear or hook types.Statistics and clustering analysis were used to analyze environmental effects on the C.falciformis catch rate.Results showed that:(1)C.falciformis incidental catch rate can be significantly reduced by using the experimental gear or 18/0 circle hook;(2)the depth,temperature,salinity,chlorophyll concentration and dissolved oxygen(DO)range with the high incidental catch rate for C.falciformis was 40.0-79.9 m,24.0-24.9 ℃ and 29.0-29.9 ℃,35.40-35.99,0.120-0.199 μg/L,and 4.50-4.99 mg/L,respectively.This study suggests that:(1)the numbers of 18/0 circle hook or hook deeper than 120 m should be increased;(2)the numbers of hook should be reduced in the higher incidental catch rate ranges of hook depth,temperature,salinity,dissolved oxygen concentration and chlorophyll concentration.



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  • 收稿日期:2014-06-22
  • 最后修改日期:2014-11-02
  • 录用日期:2015-01-16
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-01-19
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