Abstract:This paper studied the albinism of half-smooth tongue sole by establishing families,and 17 half-smooth tongue sole families were established.Firstly,sampling statistics and variance analysis have been conducted for the albinism rate,including statistics for the eyes abnormal rate of albinistic individuals in given families.Secondly,the growth of albinos and normal individuals in 4 higher albinism rate families was compared.Finally,the resistance to Vibrio anguillarum was tested in the 4 given families for the albinistic and normal individuals respectively.The results are as follows:the albinism rates in different Families were quite different,the albinism rate in Family 3 is the highest which was 94.50%,and that in Families 15,33 and 37 was 0.00%;while the families whose sire is cultured population have the highest average albinism rate,which is 19.68%,while the families whose sire is wild population have the lowest albinism rate,which is 3.21%.The average albinism rate of the families whose sire is selected population is 7.50%,however,there is no significant difference among them(P>0.05).There are 3 families that the albinism rate was higher,the albinism rate of Family 5 is 48.48%,that of Family 10 is 45.83%,and that of Family 12 is 88.89%.4 families were selected for comparison of their albinos and normal individuals growth,and we found that the growth of albinistic individuals whose age was 3 to 4 months was slower or significantly slower than normal individuals in total length and body width and body weight in the same family,whereas,when they were 12 to 13 months old,this kind of difference was not significant any more,and albinos in Family 1 and Family 17 even exceeded normal individuals in total length and body width and body weight.Albinistic and normal individuals in 4 given families were injected with V.anguillarum,and we found that the mortality rate of albinistic individuals was lower than that of the normal individuals in the same family respectively,the disease-resistance of the albinos in Family 1 and Family 17 was greatly higher than that of normal individuals,and the declines were 24.92% and 20.25% separately.This study indicates that progenies of half-smooth tongue sole whose parents are from wild population tend to have a lower albinism rate,and the albinism could associate with a certain proportion of abnormality of eyes.We also found that at the early growth stage,albinistic larvae grew slower and later they grew faster,even faster than the normal individuals.Moreover,the disease-resistance of albinos is superior to the normal individuals in the same family.