
大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室






A preliminary study of effects of mild and acute drop of temperature on serum non-specific immunity in“Shuiyuan No.1”sea cucumber populations and the cultured sea cucumber populations

Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture Stock Enhancement in North China’s Sea,Ministry of Agriculture,Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture Stock Enhancement in North China’s Sea,Ministry of Agriculture,Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture Stock Enhancement in North China’s Sea,Ministry of Agriculture

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    为探讨低温对刺参体腔液中非特异性免疫酶的影响,实验研究了温度缓降和骤降2种不同降温模式对刺参“水院1号”和大连养殖群体体腔液中过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活力以及丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化情况。结果显示:(1)缓降模式下,刺参“水院1号”和大连养殖群体体腔液中CAT活力均呈先降低后升高的变化趋势,CAT活力变化分别为402.78~424.32 U/mL和409.81~430.08 U/mL;刺参“水院1号”和大连养殖群体体腔液中SOD和POD活力均呈先升高后降低再升高的变化趋势,SOD活力变化分别为0.019~0.086 U/mL和0.014~0.069 U/mL,POD活力变化分别为0.000 45~0.000 89 U/mL和0.000 24~0.000 66 U/mL;刺参“水院1号”和大连养殖群体体腔液中MDA含量均呈先升高后降低的趋势,MDA含量变化分别为5.83~9.79 nmol/mL和7.57~9.90 nmol/mL。(2)骤降模式下,刺参“水院1号”和大连养殖群体体腔液中CAT、SOD活力和MDA含量均呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,CAT活力变化分别为382.51~409.71 U/mL和383.86~399.42 U/mL;SOD活力变化分别为0.023~0.038 U/mL和0.025~0.035 U/mL;MDA含量变化分别为5.83~9.79 nmol/mL和5.57~9.90 nmol/mL;刺参“水院1号”和大连养殖群体体腔液中POD活力均呈先升高后降低再升高再降低的变化趋势,POD活力变化分别为0.000 20~0.000 70 U/mL和0.000 18~0.000 40 U/mL。(3)不同降温模式下,2个群体刺参体腔液中CAT、SOD、POD活力和MDA含量均发生变化,“水院1号” 刺参群体体腔液中CAT、SOD、POD活力变化较大连养殖刺参群体变化灵敏;SOD和POD活力略高于大连养殖刺参群体;2个群体刺参在骤降模式下脂质过氧化产生的MDA含量要显著高于缓降模式。以上结果表明,刺参对不同降温模式的免疫响应不同,“水院1号”较大连养殖刺参群体对低温的反应更灵敏,保护机体免受氧化损伤的能力更强。


    The experiment studied the change of enzymes in mild and acute drop of temperature.The activities of CAT,SOD,POD and the content of MDA in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and cultured sea cucumber were analyzed.The results show that:(1)In terms of mild drop in temperature,the activity of CAT were trend to decreased and then increased in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber,the activities of CAT were 402.78-424.32 U/mL and 409.81-430.08 U/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber; the activity of SOD and POD first increased and then decreased and then increased in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber; the activities of SOD were 0.019-0.086 U/mL and 0.014-0.069 U/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber,the activities of POD were 0.000 45-0.000 89 U/mL and 0.000 24- 0.000 66 U/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber; the activity of MDA first increased and then reduced in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber,the content of MDA were 5.83-9.79 nmol/mL and 7.57-9.90 nmol/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber.(2)In terms of acute drop in temperature,the activity of CAT,SOD and MDA first increased and then reduced in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber,the activities of CAT were 382.51-409.71 U/mL and 383.86-399.42 U/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber; the activities of SOD were 0.023-0.038 U/mL and 0.025-0.035 U/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber; the content of MDA were 5.83-9.79 nmol/ml and 5.57-9.90 nmol/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber; the activity of POD were first increased and then decreased and then increased again to reduce,the activities of POD were 0.000 20-0.000 70 U/mL and 0.000 18-0.000 40 U/mL in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber and Dalian cultured sea cucumber.(3)Both the activities of CAT,SOD,POD and the content of MDA were changed in the different ways of dropping temperature and the changing in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber was more sensitive than in Dalian cultured sea cucumber in the terms of mild and acute drop in temperature.The activities of CAT and POD was higher in “Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber than in Dalian cultured sea cucumber; the content of MDA was larger in the terms of acute drop than in the terms of mild drop in temperature.These results revealed that there are different immune responses to sea cucumber in different drops of temperature patterns.“Shuiyuan No.1” sea cucumber was more sensitive and has higher capacity of antioxidant than Dalian cultured sea cucumber in the low temperature environment.


刘 伟,常亚青,丁 君.温度缓降和骤降对刺参“水院1号”和大连养殖群体非特异性免疫影响的初步研究[J].水产学报,2013,37(9):1342~1348

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  • 收稿日期:2013-04-04
  • 最后修改日期:2013-05-24
  • 录用日期:2013-08-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-09-13
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