Abstract:Illex argentinus supports one of the most important Chinese mainland squid-jigging fisheries in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Assessment of this resource requires abundance index data such as catch per fishing effort (CPUE). However, fisheries CPUE data need to be standardized before they can be used in the stock assessment. Generalized linear models (GLM) and generalized additive models (GAM) were used to standardize CPUE of the Chinese mainland jigging fishery in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean during 2000~2010 using data collected by Chinese Squid-jigging Technology Working Group. Environmental variables collected include sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface height (SSH) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a). The GLM analysis indicated that the significance of four variables ranked in decreasing importance: Year, Latitude, Year× Latitude and SST. However, the GAM showed that the model including Year, Month, Longitude, Latitude, SST, SSH, Year×Latitude and Year×Longitude was the optimal model based on AIC and could explain 49.20% of the variance in the nominal CPUE. The GAM analysis indicated that high CPUEs were found in the area between 46.5?-48.5?S with SST ranging from 28 to 31?C in summer., SSH raging form -20 to 20cm. The GAM tended to be more suitable than GLM in the CPUE standardization in this study.