Abstract:The present study analyzed the spatial-temporal distribution of abundance for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) resource in the subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 from 1998 to 2009 using the generalized additive model (GAM) based on the data derived from Statistical Bulletin (Volume 23) of Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the relationship between standardized catch per unit fishing effort (CPUE) of Antarctic krill fishery and environmental factors (sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll a) are also be analyzed. The results showed that the cumulation of deviance explained (%) of model to CPUE is 51.11, 69.25 and 65.82 respectively and the variation that provide the maximum contribution is month for 3 subareas. Standardized annual average CPUE was stable in the 3 subareas during 1998 – 2009. The inter-annual variation on average CPUE in the subarea 48.1 was smallest and that of subarea 48.3 was larger than subarea 48.2. Annual variation on average CPUE had no significant difference among 3 subareas, within the subarea 48.2 and the subarea 48.3, however, remarkably difference can be found on annual average CPUE in the subarea 48.1. The monthly average CPUE only had present the unimodal distribution in the 3 subareas, the peak value of CPUE in the subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 occurred in April, May and June respectively. The monthly average CPUE had no significant difference among 3 subareas, however, remarkably difference can be found on monthly average CPUE within 3 subareas. The suitable range of SST is -3 to 2 ℃ in the subarea 48.1, -2 to 2 ℃ in the subarea 48.2, 0 to 5 ℃ in the subarea 48.3 respectively for Antarctic krill fishing ground and the dominant CPUE values ranged in the SST of -2 to 1℃ in the subarea 48.1, -1 to 0 ℃ in the subarea 48.2, 0.8 to 2.4 ℃ in the subarea 48.3 respectively. The dominant proportion of CPUE values were in the range of 0 to 0.2 mg?m-3 for chlorophyll a concentration in the subarea 48.1 (53%), 48.2 (39%) and 48.3 (51%).