





The category composition and abundance distributions of ichthyoplankton along the northcentral coast of Zhejiang Province in spring and summer

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    根据2008年4,5,6月在浙江中北部沿岸禁渔区线内45个站位开展的产卵场调查资料,研究分析了该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布。结果表明,本海区共出现鱼卵、仔稚鱼64个种类,分别隶属13目36科47属,能鉴定到种的有47种,鉴定到科的有17种。3个航次的调查共采集到鱼卵5 846个和仔稚鱼5 502个。其中4月最少,仅采集到鱼卵366个和仔稚鱼1 445个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的6.26%、26.26%;5月份共采集到鱼卵1 530个和仔稚鱼1 551个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的26.17%、28.19%;6月份数量最多,共采集到鱼卵3 950个和仔稚鱼2 506个,分别占总数的67.57%、45.55%,4—6月鱼卵、仔稚鱼的数量呈月递增趋势。鱼卵中石首鱼科未定种最多占10.06%,其次黄姑鱼占6.45%,再次为凤鲚占总数的6.06%。凤鲚仔稚鱼数量最多,占总种类数的34.06%,其次为虾虎鱼科仔稚鱼,占24.25%,再次为鲻科鱼类仔稚鱼,占23.57%。调查发现杭州湾是凤鲚的主要产卵场,其仔稚鱼也主要分布在杭州湾内,少量分布在舟山渔场和鱼山渔场。小黄鱼产卵场主要分布在舟山渔场、鱼山渔场外侧。从产卵时间和渔场分布来看,鱼山渔场是最早集中的水域,随着时间推移,产卵场的中心区向北部水域的舟山渔场转移。研究的海域内重要经济鱼类大黄鱼、小黄鱼、银鲳的鱼卵数量百分比明显下降,由1960年的优势种成为现在的非优势种;主要经济鱼类中鳓、凤鲚所占比例相对增加,但绝对数量有所下降。在某种程度上说明,沿岸水域资源补充量有所减少,这可能与水域环境变化及过度捕捞导致亲体量减少有关。


    Based on the data of three months′ surveys of 45 sampling stations along the north-central coast spawning ground of Zhejiang Province from April to June 2008,the species composition and spatial distribution of fish eggs,larvae and juveniles were analyzed.The results showed that there were 64 taxa of ichthyoplankton,of which 47 were identified to species,17 were identified to family.They belonged to 47 genera,36 families and 13 orders.Meanwhile,a total of 5 846 fish eggs and 5 502 fish larvae and juveniles were collected.Specifically,the least abundance of ichthyoplankton appeared in April including 366 fish eggs accounting for 6.26% of the all eggs and 1 445 fish larvae and juveniles which accounted for 26.26% of the all larvae and juveniles.There were 1 530 eggs accounting for 26.17% and 1 551 fish larvae and juveniles accounting for 28.19% in May.The highest abundance of ichthyoplankton appeared in June including 3 950 fish eggs accounting for 67.57% and 2 506 fish larvae and juveniles were accounting for 45.55%.Consequently,there was a tendency toward increased ichthyoplankton abundance from April to June.As for the eggs,the most abundant of fish species was Sciaenidae sp.comprising 10.06% of the total,the second one was Nibea albiflora comprising 6.45% and the third one was Coilia mystus comprising 6.06%.But for the larvae and juveniles,the most abundant of fish species was C.mystus comprising 34.06% of the total,the second one was Gobiidae comprising 24.25% and the third one was Mugilidae comprising 23.57%.Studies show that Hangzhou Bay was the major spawning ground of C.mystus and their larvae and juveniles were mainly distributed here,only a small part of them were distributed in the Zhoushan Fishing Ground and Yushan Fishing Ground.In contrast,the spawning ground of Pseudosciaena polyactis was located outside of Zhoushan fishing ground and Yushan fishing ground.From the point of view of the spawning time and fishing ground distribution,Yushan fishing ground was the place where fishes spawned first and concentratedly.With the passage of time,the central zone of spawning ground shifted gradually towards the north where was Zhoushan fishing ground.The fish eggs abundance percentage of important commercial fish decreased obviously for example P.croea,P.polyactis,Pampus argenteus which were no longer dominant species as they were in 1960.On the contrary,the percentage of Ilisha elongata, and C.mystus increased while their absolute abundance decreased.The abundance of P.croea, andP.polyactis larvae and all fish eggs was lower than that of 1960,which indicated that the resource recruitment decreased in coastal areas,the possible reason of which was related to the decrease of parent stock resulting from environmental change and overharvest.



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  • 收稿日期:2010-11-02
  • 最后修改日期:2011-01-21
  • 录用日期:2011-05-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2011-06-13
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