Abstract:Based on the data collected from the fishing ground of tuna longliners in the Southerncentral Indian Ocean during September 2008 to April 2009,the present study compares and analyzes the catchability and selectivity to hooking species for 3 hook types(traditional tuna hook,“J”type hook and circle hook).The results show that (1) for traditional tuna hook,the proportion of bigeye tuna(Thunnus obesus,BET)and blue shark(Prionace glauca,BLS)is higher than other species in the catch composition and “J”type hook and circle hook have a similar hooking proportion for the above two species,however,for albacore(Thunnus alalunga, ALB),the traditional tuna hook has the highest hooking proportion and followed by “J”type hook and circle hook.(2) the traditional tuna hook has the highest survival rate and the “J”type is lowest for BET,the survival rate of “J”type hook is slightly higher than that of circle hook and the traditional tuna hook is the lowest for ALB,the survival rate of circle hook is highest and followed by traditional tuna hook and “J”type hook for BLS.(3) the average fork length(FL)of ALB for “J”type hook is slightly larger than that of traditional tuna hook and circle hook,traditional tuna hook is larger than circle hook and “J”type hook for BET and “J”type is larger than circle hook and traditional tuna hook for BLS.(4) significant difference has not been found for the FL distribution of ALB,BET and BLS for 3 hook types.