





Studies on promoting effect of nutrient addition on aquacultural wastewater purification of commercial microorganism products

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    利用室内试验,研究了添加营养物质提高商品水质净化菌剂SYMCORE BZTTM的净化能力的方法。研究分两部分,第1部分设1个对照组和2个试验组,研究了添加营养物质对水质净化菌剂的净化能力的影响;第2部分设1个对照组和15个试验组,研究了营养物质添加量配比与净化效果的关系。通过计算葡萄糖和磷酸盐的添加量对COD、NH4+-N和NO2--N去除率的影响,建立了相关模型。实验结果表明,添加葡萄糖和磷酸二氢钾能显著提高水质净化菌剂对养殖废水的净化能力。添加葡萄糖使COD、NH4+-N和NO2--N的去除率分别提高了21.92%、34.43%和57.41%;添加磷酸盐使COD、NH4+-N和NO2--N的去除率分别提高了30.02%、53.45%和15.08%。当C∶N∶P=62.5∶4.85∶1时,水质净化菌剂对养殖废水中COD的净化效果最佳;当C∶N∶P=37.5∶4.51∶1时,对氨氮的去除效果最好;当C∶N∶P=25∶2.97∶1时,对亚硝酸氮的净化能力最高。葡萄糖与磷酸盐的添加量与3种污染物去除率的关系可以用二项式曲线拟合。实验结果与拟合结果相符。为养殖废水的生物修复和微生物制剂的推广应用提供了理论和技术依据。


    The promoting effect of nutrient addition on aquacultural wastewater purification of microorganism products, SYMCORE BZTTM was investigated, and furthermore, the relationship between removal rates of chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) and nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N) and the ratio of C∶N∶P was studied. The experiments were composed of two parts. Part I consisted of one control group and two trial groups, promoting effect of nutrient addition on removal rate of microorganism was proved. Part II was made up of one control group and 15 trial groups to analyze the relationship between the mount of added nutrients and the removal rates of pollutants. Moreover, the relationship between the ratio of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and the removal rates of COD, NH4+-N and NO2--N was calculated, and the mathematics models were set up. The results showed that the purification ability of microorganism products was significantly improved by adding suitable nutrients. The removal rates of COD, NH4+-N and NO2--N of the treatment group increased 21.92%,34.43%,57.41% by adding glucose and 30.02%, 53.45%, 15.08% by adding phosphate compared with the control, respectively. At the same time, the amount of phosphate was found insufficient in control group. The removal rates for COD, NH4+-N and NO2--N were the highest, 97.07%, 96.88% and 93.41%, when the ratio of C∶N∶P was 62.5∶4.85∶1,37.5∶4.51∶1 and 25∶2.97∶1, respectively. The relationship of glucose and phosphate concentration with COD, NH4+-N and NO2--N removal rates could be described by quadratic equations, V=aX2+bX+c. The individual COD, NH4+-N and NO2--N removal rates of the microorganism products are positively correlated with the concentration of glucose and phosphate in range of 0-40 mg/L and 0-1 600 mg/L, respectively. The process of microbial remediation could be featured as three sequential stages:Firstly, dissolved organic matter (DOM) was degraded; secondly ammonia was oxidized; and at last, nitrite was oxidized. From day 1 to day 7, DOM was directly utilized as the carbon and nitrogen sources of the heterotrophic bacteria.The removal rates of COD at this stage were significantly higher than those of the control. From day 7 to day 13, bacteria mainly utilized ammonium as nitrogen sources and produced nitrite. So the concentration of NH4+-N reduced sharply, while NO2--N concentration increased suddenly. From day 13 to 19, NO2--N concentration decreased rapidly, because the nitrite was oxidized to nitrate. This paper supplied theoretical and technical foundation for the biopurification of aquaculture wastewater and the extending application of microbial products.



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  • 收稿日期:2009-12-10
  • 最后修改日期:2010-01-14
  • 录用日期:2010-01-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2010-04-07
  • 出版日期: 2010-04-15