





Effects of starvation and refeeding on digestive enzyme activity and antioxidative capacity of razor clam(Sinonovacula constricta)

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    在海水温度8~11 ℃,盐度20~22,pH 7.4~7.9的条件下,将采自福建宁德的5种规格缢蛏(平均壳长0.7 cm、1.4 cm、2.0 cm、4.0 cm、6.0 cm分别记为N1、N2、N3、N4、N5,其中N1、N2、N3为稚贝)饥饿6 d后投喂单胞藻5 d,以淀粉酶活力、纤维素酶活力、丙二醛含量和总抗氧化能力为指标,研究了饥饿再投喂期间不同规格缢蛏消化能力和抗氧化能力的变化过程,对缢蛏的补偿生长进行了初步探索。结果显示,缢蛏淀粉酶和纤维素酶活力有随个体增大而下降的趋势,总抗氧化能力随个体增大而升高。饥饿阶段:N1组消化酶活力迅速大幅下降,N2、N3、N4组不同程度升高后下降,N5组在饥饿期间无明显变化;丙二醛含量显著(除N3)降低(P<0.05),2~3 d时降至最低,此后开始上升。恢复投喂后各组消化酶活力分别在1~4 d升至显著高于饥饿前水平(P<0.05)。恢复投喂3 d后N1、N4、N5组丙二醛含量降至显著小于饥饿前水平(P<0.05)。试验期间各规格缢蛏总抗氧化能力无显著变化(P>0.05)。试验结果表明饥饿再投喂对缢蛏抗氧化能力无显著影响但可提高其消化能力,说明可设置合理的饥饿再投喂模式使缢蛏发生补偿生长。


    In order to explore the potential compensatory growth of S.constricta,the digestion and antioxidant capacity changes of S.constricta during starvation and refeeding were studied in our study.The materials used in our study are 5 specifications of S.constricta collected from Ningde,Fujian Province.The average shell length of the materials are 0.7 cm,1.4 cm,2.0 cm,4.0 cm and 6.0 cm which are marked as N1,N2,N3,N4 and N5 respectively.In the conditions of seawater temperature 8-11 ℃,salinity 20-22 and pH 7.4-7.9,the effects of sixday starvation and subsequent fiveday microalgae refeeding on the digestion and antioxidant capacity of 5 groups of S.constricta were investigated.The activity of the digestive enzymes amylase and cellulase,malondialdehyde(MDA) content and total antioxidant capacity(T-AOC) were measured as indicators using detection kits(Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute,China) during starvation and subsequent refeeding.The amylase activity was determined by means of iodinestarch method and the method of carboxymethyl cellulase(CMC) saccharification was used for determining the activity of cellulase.Using thibabituric acid(TBA) method to determine the MDA content and Fe3+ deoxidization colorimetry method was used for the determination of T-AOC.The determination of total protein used the Coomassie brilliant blue.Based on the data and results,the potential compensatory growth of S.constricta was preliminarily explored in our study.The results are as follows:the amylase activity and cellulase activity of S.constricta tended to decrease as the individual size grew,but the opposite is true to the TAOC.In the stage of starvation:the amylase activity and cellulase activity of N1 experienced a rapid and sharp decline while N2,N3 and N4 increased to different degrees before decreased,there were no significant differences in the amylase activity and cellulase activity of N5; the MDA content decreased significantly(P<0.05) except N3,the MDA content reduced to the lowest level after the previous twoday or threeday starvation and after that the MDA content began to rise.Refeeding led to a significant(P<0.05) increase in the activities of amylase and cellulase which were higher than the level before starvation in all groups separately from the 1st day to the 4th day.In the initial 3 days of refeeding,the MDA content of N1,N4 and N5 reduced significantly which was less than the content level before starvation(P<0.05).However,there were no significant differences in the total antioxidant capacity in S.constricta of the 5 specifications during the entire experiment(P>0.05).The results of our study indicated that previous sixday starvation and subsequent fiveday refeeding had no significant effect on the antioxidant capacity of S.constricta but could improve their digestion. A reasonable model of starvation and refeeding of S.constricta is suggested to be set to promote the compensatory growth of S.constricta.



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  • 收稿日期:2009-11-23
  • 最后修改日期:2010-03-28
  • 录用日期:2010-04-06
  • 在线发布日期: 2010-07-13
  • 出版日期: 2010-07-15