Abstract:Two subtype estrogen receptor β (ERβ1/β2) cDNAs were obtained from blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) and RACE. The full length cDNA sequence of ERβ1 was 4 262 bp in length, containing a 5′ Untranslated Regions (UTR) of 239 bp, 3′ UTR of 2 349 bp and an open reading fame (ORF) of 1 674 bp which encoded a putative protein of 557 amino acids with an estimated molecular weight of 62 ku. The ERβ2 cDNA was 2 506 bp in length with 393 bp of 5′ UTR, 109 bp of 3′ UTR and an ORF of 2 004 bp which encoded a putative protein of 668 amino acids with an estimated molecular weight of 74 ku. The deduced amino acid sequence of ERβ1 of blue tilpia possessed 99.1% similarity with the counterpart of nile tilapia, O. niloticus, and similarities with other Perciformes fishes were from 82.6% to 94.2%. The ERβ2 amino acid sequences of blue tilpia shared 98.7%, 81.8%, 76.3%, 64.7% and 55.0% identities with nile tilapia, Micropterus salmoides, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Fundulus heteroclitus and Danio rerio respectively. Blue tilpia ERβ1/β2 were clustered with nile tilapia ERβ1/β2 respectively in the phylogenetic tree. ERβ1/β2 mRNA expressions between male and female were compared by RealTime PCR (RTPCR). ERβs were expressed ubiquitously and differently in ten tested tissues. ERβ1 was significantly expressed in ovary, testis, liver, kidney and intestinal tissues compared with other tissues (P<0.05). ERβ2 was highly expressed in testis, liver and kidney (P<0.05). In ovary, testis, intestine and hypothalamus, expression of ERβ1 was significantly higher than that of ERβ2, and it was 164 times of ERβ2 in ovaries. After 17 betaestradiol (E2) was injected for 24 h, ERα/β1 mRNA in hypothalamus of male blue tilpia was increased, of which ERα increased significantly. Expression of ERα in hypothalamus increased significantly in 7.5 mg/kg E2 treated group, while no significant change was observed for ERβ2. In pituitary, expression of ERα/β1/β2 in the low and middle E2 concentrations (2.5, 5.0 mg/kg) was downregulated, but upregulated in high E2 concentration group (7.5 mg/kg), and significant difference was found for ERα(P<0.05) . ERβ2 expression was increased in testis significantly (P<0.05) in middle and high E2 concentration groups (5.0, 7.5 mg/kg). No significant change was observed for ERα/β1 expression. The different distribution of the ERβ1/β2 mRNAs and different regulation of ERα/β1/β2 mRNA in hypothalamus, pituitary and testis by E2 indicated that various biological functions existed among these three ER subtypes in blue tilpia.