研究了长江口中华鲟幼鱼对光照强度的选择及其对摄食的影响,结果表明:个体实验时,中华鲟幼鱼选择暗区(1~2 lx)、过渡区(10~12 lx)和亮区(200~209 lx)的时间百分比分别是(1.32%±3.50%) 、(7.17%±13.5%)和 (91.52%±14.9%);群体实验时,中华鲟幼鱼选择暗区、过渡区和亮区的数量百分比分别为(6.42%±4.13%)、(14.20%±7.45%)和(82.38%±15.2%),个体实验的时间百分比和群体实验的数量百分比在3个不同亮度区内均存在显著差异(P<0.05),中华鲟幼鱼具有明显的趋光行为。幼鱼在亮区围绕光源作圆周运动,其行为模式符合鱼类趋光的“信号适应”机制假说。中华鲟幼鱼猎食活体子陵吻虾虎鱼的摄食量(Fc)、摄食强度(Fi)、摄食率(Fr),在光照(206 lx)条件下,分别为(9.67±2.08) (尾/10尾·4 h)、(0.97±0.21)(尾/尾·4 h)、 (0.24±0.05)(尾/尾·h);黑暗条件下(0 lx),分别为(10.67±2.31)(尾/10尾·4 h)、(1.07±0.23)(尾/尾·4 h)、(0.27±0.06)(尾/尾·h)。处理间(光照和黑暗之间),3项指标均无显著差异(P>0.05)。这一结果表明,中华鲟幼鱼的猎食效率与光照强度无关,即幼鱼不依靠视觉捕食,属非视觉摄食类型鱼类,因此,认为中华鲟幼鱼趋光行为中,光线的信号意义大于利用视觉捕食的意义,幼鱼以光线作为信号来寻找食物丰富的栖息地。
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Habitat preference plays an important role in the life of fish. Illumination intensity preference and its effects on feeding efficiency of juvenile Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis were studied by Single Factor Experiments.The result shows that the percentage of time spent by Juvenile Chinese sturgeon in dark area(1.4-2.2 lx), transition area(10.4-12.3 lx) and illuminated area (200.2-209.1 lx) are (1.32%±3.50%) , (7.17%±13.5%) and (91.52%±14.9%) respectively; and the number percentage of the fish in three areas are (6.42%±4.13%),(14.2%±7.45%) and (82.38%±15.2%). Juvenile Chinese sturgeons are photopositive significantly (KruskalWallis Test, P<0.05). The typical behavior of juvenile Chinese sturgeon in the illuminated area is circling movement around the light source. The behavior type is coincident with the mechanism of fish phototaxis of ‘signaladaption hypothesis’. When provided 206 lx illumination intensity, the feeding consumption(Fc), feeding intensity(Fi) and feeding rate(Fr) of juvenile Chinese sturgeon on Rhinogobius giurinus were (9.67±2.08), (0.97±0.21) and (0.24±0.05). When illumination intensity were 0 lx, the value of Fc, Fi and Fr were (10.67±2.31), (1.07±0.23) and (0.27±0.06). The feeding efficiency of juvenile sturgeons were not significantly different between two illumination conditions(P>0.05, MannWhitney Test). The result shows that feeding behavior of juvenile Chinese sturgeon might not be dependent on vision.