Abstract:Yellow pond turtle(Mauremys mutica Cantor)is a potential aquaculture target in China. Due to its poor reproduction ability, the hatching success and hatchlings quality are very important in aquaculture. In order to get some data about incubation media benefited with hatching, the effects of three different incubation media (clay, sand and vermiculite) on incubation length, hatching success and hatchling traits in yellow pond turtle have been studied in this paper. The eggs from each nest were divided into three groups and each one received one of three incubation treatments (clay, sand or vermiculite as incubation media).At room temperature, all the viable eggs were buried in media in plastic containers (315 mm×240 mm×125 mm ) that were covered with a perforated plastic membrane. During the incubation period, water would be added to the media to compensate for small evaporative losses and water absorbed by eggs. The results showed that incubation length, eggs crack ratio, hatching success and hatchling’s size (carapace length and width and plastron length and width) were affected significantly by incubation media, and some other traits of hatchlings (body height and mass and tail length) were not. The average duration of incubation in clay, sand and vermiculite was 61.2, 60.9 and 59.4 d, respectively, and the difference is significant (P< 0.05). Hatching success were 40%, 75% and 90% for clay, sand and vermiculite treatment respectively. Hatching success and eggs crack ratio were the lowest in clay, and the highest in vermiculite. Carapace width and plastron width of hatchlings from vermiculite were larger than those of hatchlings from sand and clay, and those of hatchlings from clay were the least. The locomotors performance of hatchlings from vermiculite was the best among all treatments. So, vermiculite would be the best incubation medium for yellow pond turtle. The data would be helpful to the turtle aquaculture.