





Analysis of the resistance of heterosis in Fenneropenaeus chinensis to natural infection with white spot syndrome virus

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    中国对虾杂交优势对自然感染白斑综合征病毒的抗病力分析=Analysis of the resistance of heterosis in Fenneropenaeus chinensis to natural infection with white spot syndrome virus [刊,中]/李素红(中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071),张天时,孟宪红,孔杰//水产学报,—2007,31(1).-68~75 一个包括42个全同胞家系的中国对虾选育群体,荧光标记后每个家系各取40尾健康个体混养,自然发病并确认感染白斑综合征病毒(white spot-syndrome virus,WSSV)。发病1周后将所有个体取出,统计各家系的存活率,并对活体利用巢式聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)进行WSSV检测。对存活率进行分析,结果显示:4个家系的存活率在60%以上,7个家系的存活率在20%以下;存活率与第一次扩增阳性率、第二次扩增阳性率呈不显著负相关。第一次扩增阳性率与第二次扩增阳性率呈极显著正相关。结合两次扩增的阳性率分析得出:青岛野生群体内自交产生的一个家系和韩国群体养殖家系与乳山野生群体杂交产生的一个家系在抗病力上显著优于其它家系;经独立样本t检验表明,群体间交配组合的存活率差异不显著,因此家系选育可能是进行抗WSSV品种选育的重要途径。多重比较结果发现:韩国群体养殖家系(♂)与乳山野生群体(♀)杂交后代的存活率(56.20%±8.75%) 显著高于韩国群体养殖家系自交后代(22.50%±2.50%) (P<0.05),说明该杂交后代在抗WSSV方面有一定程度的杂种优势。而韩国群体养殖家系 (♂)和乳山野生群体(♀)的杂交后代所表现的杂种优势(26.95)与其反交后代(3.85)差异显著。图3表5参15 关键词:中国对虾; 巢式PCR; 白斑综合征病毒


    Aquatic Conservation. Analysis of the resistance of heterosis in Fenneropenaeus chinensis to natural infection with white spot syndrome virus. A selected population of the shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis) was tagged, which included 42 full-sib families. A sample of 40 tagged test animals per family was infected by WSSV without hominine help. A week later, the surviving animals were taken out and then the survival rate per family was calculated. The virus positive rate of white-spot syndrome per family was detected by nested-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for every survivor. Comparison was carried out between pairs of families mainly in terms of the survival rates and the conclusion as follows: 4 families’ survival rates were over 60 percent and 7 families’survival rates were under 20 percent. The analysis of correlation among the indexes indicated that the relationship between the survival rate and the virus positive rate of the first-step and second-step PCR was negative correlation and not significantly different. However, there was positive correlation and significant difference between the virus positive rate of the first-step and the second-step PCR. The analysis was carried out depending on both the survival rate and the virus positive rate and the results as follows: one self-fertilized family of Qingdao population and one hybridized family between the cultured family population of Korea(♂) and Rushan population (♀) were much better than those of the others in resistance to WSSV. There were no significant differences between pairs of cross combinations in the survival rate, which were analysed by independent-sample T test. So the family selection probably was the main method for culturing WSSV-resistant breed. The cross combinations were analysed by multiple comparison method and the result showed: there was difference between the cross combination of the cultured family population of Korea(♂)and Rushan wild population (♀)(56.20%±8.75%) compared with the self-fertilized combinations of the cultured family population of Korea (P<0.05) in resistance to WSSV, which showed the cross combination could get the heterosis. However, there was great difference between the cross combination of the Rushan wild population(♂) and the cultured family population of Korea(♀) compared with their reciprocal hybrids in heterosis. 15 Refs.In Chinese. Key words:Fenneropenaeus chinensis; nested-PCR; white-spot syndrome virus (WSSV) LI Su-hong(Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China), ZHANG Tian-shi, MENG Xian-hong, KONG Jie //J Fish China,2007,31(1).68-75



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  • 收稿日期:2007-06-12
  • 最后修改日期:2007-06-12
  • 录用日期:
  • 在线发布日期: 2007-06-13
  • 出版日期: 2007-01-15
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